"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 March 2025

Sunday Stealin' Questions

Apparently the Sunday Stealin' meme is back and I'm waiting around for my husband so thought I'd participate today while waiting.  Join in by heading here to the host. 

1. Where were you three hours ago?

3 hours ago it was 7:45 so I was in the family room sipping a cup of coffee and reading my morning meditation. 

2. Make a confession.

I love snickers bars. rarely eat them. but oh when I do....!!

3. Bad habits?

hm...not sure...maybe a bit of a shopaholic

4. Favorite color?

Cerulean blue

5. Can you drive?

I live in the capital region of NYS. Of course I can drive.

6. 3 pet peeves:

lying/dishonesty; gum smacking; gossip

7. Last person you hugged.

My husband

8. Something you miss

having Obama in the White House

9. What song is stuck in your head at the moment

Worthy. It's a song we're practicing for our Easter Choir. 

10. Favorite quote.

Good Lord, sooooo broad of a subject. There are so many good quotes. A better way to ask it would be more specific such as fave quote from a movie, from a book, from a president, etc etc. But since we are just  asked fave quote I'll stick to one of my all time faves from Les Miserables and penned by Victor Hugo

"to love another person is to see the face of God" 

11. Favorite band.

Again with the generalities!  Fave pop band?? fave country band? fave marching band?  rock band?  I guess I'm going with Queen 

12. Something you're excited for

HIKING SEASON!! (mid-April through mid-December)

13. Favorite movie.

Again, what genre???  All time faves are Casablanca and Citizens Kane. 

but I also absolutely love Breakfast at Tiffany's; Schindler's List, Dead Poet's Society. The creator of these questions needs to be more specific. hahaha

14. What type of phone do you have?

iphone of course cause Apple. 

15. Favorite Animal: 


Can you choose just one fave movie?? 

01 March 2025

2025 Book Review #11: Greenwich Park


This is the author's debut novel.  It's a very addictive suspense thriller. I enjoyed it immensely because it was a quick easy read, after reading a deeper, darker book. 


Helen Thorpe is married to Daniel Thorpe. Helen appears to have a charmed life: Daniel is a handsome architect and their house is the one Helen and her 2 brothers (Rory and Charlie) grew up in.  It's a gorgeous Victorian that they are renovating.  Helen is also successfully pregnant with a boy after 4 miscarriages. 

But her perfect life is about to change and it begins on the first day of her prenatal classes when she meets the troublesome Rachel. Rachel is impulsive, unpredictable and single. She definitely doesn't seem to be very maternal at all: she drinks alcohol, smokes and appears to have little interest in parenthood. But for some reason, Helen is drawn to her. 

It might be because Rachel is alone and needs a friend. But if Helen is honest with herself, she too could use a friend since her "best friend" Katie is busy covering a rape case/trial with her journalist job and her sister-in-law Serena is busy with her own pregnancy, Rory, her house, and her photography business. Rachel makes Helen laugh which helps Helen to not focus on her fears about this pregnancy and upcoming birth. 

But Rachel's behavior becomes even more unsettled and now everyone in Helen's life is starting to notice and become concerned. 

When Rachel threatens to expose a secret ....a past crime in fact...that could destroy Rory's , Serena's, Daniel's and Helen's lives, it becomes quite clear that there are more than just a few secrets involving these families.

And then Rachel goes missing........

.....and then her body is discovered in Helen and Daniel's basement. 

Who is the killer? What and why did this happen??


THis is like a " cat and mouse" game. There is a lot of twists and turns in the main plot with the underlying story/plot a definite plus to this novel. I started to suspect I knew who was behind all the secrets....and then I was pleasantly surprised to find out I was correct....along with a major twist of a surprise. 

This book has excellent setting and character development. It's set in an exclusive part of London and I love how the author describes the neighborhood, the cafes and pubs, and the entire Greenwich Park.  (and I googled the  name and yes London really does have a  Greenwich Park with very ancient trees).

The plot moves quickly and each section is titled by the number of weeks of pregnancy that Helen is in. The book begins with part of a letter from someone to Helen. It doesn't say who is writing the letter but I guessed correctly at the beginning to find out I was right in the end when another piece of the letter is sent to her from  the person in prison. 

Parts of the book go back 10 years earlier and this is indicated at the beginning of that part. 

Some main themes in this novel are: pregnancy, miscarriage, motherhood,  prescription drug use, alcohol/parties, rape, survivors, single-parenthood, friendship, marriage, adultery, secrets, betrayals, murder, obsession, stalking, fraud, marital relationship. 

I love that this is a psychological thriller with some amazing twists. 

In my opinion, this book is appropriate for ages 17 and older (due to some mature content). 

I only found one editing error!

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I rate this a 9. 

Saturday Nine Fun

I really liked these questions today and I used to watch Doris Day movies all the time when I was much younger growing up in my parents' home....she was a fave with them and with my younger sister Hope. 

I'm participating with this blog meme.  Join in!

Saturday 9: My Blue Heaven (1955)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) The music for "My Blue Heaven" was written by Walter Donaldson. Mr. Donaldson was a gifted piano player who used his talent to entertain the troops on leave during WWI. What's something you're naturally good at?

I'm good at sight-reading piano music and some vocal music. Not sure why, but I just tend to be good at it. I can also transfer the notes to solfege pretty easily. I'm also naturally good at organizing. I think it's in my blood. 

2) The lyrics were written by George Whiting. He began his career on stage as a song-and-dance man. While touring, he met and fell in love with another singer on the bill. They went on to marry and have three daughters. Have you ever engaged in a workplace romance?

No, I've never dated anyone I've worked with. However, I had a crush on an older man when I had a summer job at Remington Arms factory. 

3) In this song, Doris Day sings about a cozy home. Look around the room you're in. What makes it cozy?

I think what makes my home "cozy" is the style of furniture we have chosen (for the most part):  Shaker style. There's just something cozy about light pine mixed in with some darker oak and I also use a lot of tossed pillows on the chairs/couches along with a candle or two in every room. Even my bathroom has a smell candle. I also have a basket of fleece blankets and quilts for cold winter evenings. 
4) For four consecutive years, Doris was the most popular film actress in the world, with fans flocking to theaters to see her. Is there an actor or actress whose presence in a movie or TV show makes you say to yourself, "I want to see that?"

yes. Female: Meryl Streep, Mariska Hargitay or Blake Lively.  Male: Tom Hanks, Mark Ruffalo,  or George Clooney. Unless you're talking  classics and then it's:  Audrey Hepburn or Ingrid Bergman; Bing Crosby, Humphrey Bogart,  or Cary Grant

5) For all her film and music success, she found herself broke in the late 1960s. Her husband had mismanaged her fortune, something she didn't discover until after his sudden death. Do you know how much is in your checking account right now? (We're not asking the amount; just whether you know.)

Yes, I have a good ballpark figure as I often check our online account and I'm the one who balances the checkbook. I also know what's in my two savings account but i have no idea what's in my husband's. I have a ballpark figure of what's in our joint savings, though.  And I have NO idea what's in our stock portfolio. 

6) Away from performing, Doris' passion was animal welfare. At one point she shared her home with more than a dozen dogs and went on to establish the Doris Day Animal Foundation. Do any pets share your home?

Absolutely not. Youngest daughter has an adorable rescued cat though named Karma who is part Siamese and although I can't stand cats, I actually like hers! 
7) In 1955, when this song was a hit, cars came with AM radios but they were pretty unsophisticated by today's standards. The car needed to be on and "warmed up" a bit before the signal was picked up and that signal could easily be lost if you were bouncing over rough terrain. Today most new cars come with Bluetooth so you can enjoy infotainment through your phone. Do you listen to music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc., as you drive?
When I'm driving, I typically listen to the classical radio station or NPR news, or sometimes my iphone playlist. Sometimes I listen to K Love Christian radio station.  When I'm a passenger in hubby's car, we tend to listen to his playlist of 70s and 80s music or a podcast called wait wait don't tell me which is pure comedic fun. 

8) Also in 1955, the first McDonald's opened. Does your community have a McDonald's?

Sadly, yes. I know of 4 just in our town (the north part and the south part)  alone. yuck. 

9) Random question: How long have you known your newest friend?

My newest friend is a millennial, aged 45,  who joined my book group in September. She loved it so much that she is now in my spring semester group. I first met Shawna when God prompted me to volunteer with a group called HomeBound, where she is one of the volunteers. She recently joined my Spring semester walking group and is now in my hiking group. I first met her in August 2024. I like having friends of all ages and she brings a younger perspective to our small group.

I hope you all have a wonderfully relaxing Saturday!!


28 February 2025

End of February Faves


I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that tomorrow is the beginning of March! Glory Hallelujah.  February is my least favorite month and I, for one, am thankful it's the last day.

Being thankful for things, whether big or small, extravagant or mundane, is important to God, because all things come from Him. I'm thankful that Susanne continues to host this weekly meme so we can be intentional and list the things that made us smile, say Thanks, and that might have been our favorite things all week. 

Uncle Cliff

  • ROAD TRIP:  Saturday morning was finally a dry, sunny, warmer day (low 30s) so it was an easy drive west to visit my Uncle Cliff. He lives with his wife Anna and Anna's daughter, Patti, lives above them and now that she's retired, she kind of watches over them. The house is about 40 min  west of where I live. Cliff is now 89 yrs old and doing very well. He had a health scare a few years ago but came out on top. He is in pretty good physical shape (just needs a cane) and mentally is still pretty sharp although there are some things he has trouble recalling. All in all, he's doing well. He's the youngest of 3 boys. My dad was the middle son. My uncle Cliff was always my fave uncle growing up and we had a  wonderful chat recalling many fun times at grandma's place on the lake in the Adirondack mountains. Uncle Cliff is the only remaining relative on dad's side of the family in that generation. I'm so thankful I got to spend all morning with my uncle. 
baking/cooking/wine tools drawer

our everyday cutlery 
and Dave's heart med/supplements/allergy tabs

extra cutlery/cooking items
  • ORGANIZING: This past week, I was thankful to have time to really clean all the kitchen drawers in our house (we have 8 in our kitchen with 1 of them being in the microwave cupboard).  I had found some pretty, subtle shelf liner  paper at the dollar store so bought a roll. I love it so much I'm going back to get more to do a couple more drawers. I had enough to do all but 2). I love getting things re-organized.  I told my husband, now let's keep it this way! 😜

three bags of former teaching clothes/camping clothes
jewelry and books
  • DONATIONS! I'm so thankful I could donate three bags of my clothing I used to wear to work, camps, or hikes.  Some of these items were from the 1990s! I also donated some old jewelry I no longer wear and some old piano music books. Since we have a dress code for teachers here in NYS, I had a lot of nice blouses, skirts, sweaters, tunics, dresses, pants that either are outdated or I'm just never going to wear again. It felt good to purge my closet and drawers and make room for some of my more current clothing. My daughters have informed me that people their age  love going vintage and that the 90s clothing is now considered vintage! go figure.  So I'm thankful someone will get some good use of these items. The thrift store was thrilled to get them. 

ice is finally melting on the pond

  • OUTSIDE WALKS!  I was very thankful this week that we had days of sunshine, warmer temps (one day got up to 46!) and good outdoor walking conditions. These photos are from the park in the south part of our town, The Crossings. Although most of the trails heading south in the park were either not plowed or a coat of ice and slush, the ones on the north side, by the pond, were mainly bare. I did a good power walk for 1.2 miles one day and another day I managed to get in 1.6 miles. It felt good and I kept saying to my self "Thank You God for Spring coming."

  • COFFEE and CONVERSATION:  I've had some amazing coffee this week along with conversations with close friends, a phone chat with oldest daughter, evening conversation with my husband, texts with my sister J, and I visited my youngest daughter at her apartment yesterday morning for a long overdue chat. I'm thankful for good coffee, and time with friends and family. 
I hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend and find some things to be thankful for. 

25 February 2025

Top Ten

I thought I'd participate in this interesting Tuesday meme about the Top Ten book set in a different time. Most of mine are probably historical fiction as opposed to futuristic genre.  Here are ten of my absolute FAVE books set in a different time. My two absolute faves are Les Miserables and The Light of the Midnight Stars.

1. I read Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet before I started posting book reviews.  It's phenomenal. Highly recommend. 

2. One of the best books I've ever read. A fairy tale type book all about good vs evil and light vs dark. My review is here. 

3. Les Miserables. Truly the best piece of literature on the planet. It endures. I've read the entire thing twice and seen the musical ad nauseum. LOVE LOVE LOVE all the symbolism, etc.  Of course I read it long before blogs were a thing. 

4.  Can't say enough about this amazing WW2  historical fiction. If you've never read it, you need to! Yes the movie is good but the book is way better. 

5. I read this one at the beginning of January. Set in 1909. Absolutely stunning piece of writing.

6. Read this last year and it was fantastic! Amanda was a new to me author.  Set during the 1800s and early 20th century. Much symbolism in this book, as well!

7. Another fairy tale for adults based on Hansel and Gretel.  HIGHLY recommend this. Set in 1650

8. An amazing story set in two time periods: the 1800s and mid 21st century. LOVED this one. 

9. Another great literary piece. Deep, meaningful. read it!! Set in the 1920s. 

10.  A treasure of a book.  Again, movie is good but book is far better. 

I also thoroughly enjoyed and recommend if you like books that are more literary and "deep":

The Thirteenth Tale set in the 1890s-1970s. author is Diane Setterfield. 
Once Upon a River (by same author as above). 
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

I could keep listing books but am out of time!

I hope there are some on this list you have read! 

If there is, leave a comment as to which one(s).

24 February 2025

Dinner Menu


It's that time of the month where we are running out of basic staples in our kitchen....I plan on heading to the grocery store later today to re-stock my shelves with flour, raw sugar, northern and black beans, extra virgin olive oil,  tofu, pasta sauce, garlic. 

We are transitioning from comfort foods to a more "Mediterranean food diet". We're cutting down on things like white/red potatoes (although we do have some to use up) and regular pasta and using brown rice minimally and adding more protein and veggies to our plates. We're also trying to use up some things that have been in the freezer for a month or more,  like pizza dough, vegan steak tips, haddock fillets. Wish us luck as we clean out and spice up our kitchen! (no pun intended!!) 

  • MONDAY: Veggie Pizza with fresh broccoli, red, yellow, green peppers, sweet onion, garlic, mozzarella and olive oil; Salad with crisp greens/cucumbers/grape tomatoes/black beans and a light drizzle of Tuscan Italian Dressing. 

  • TUESDAY: Fish Tacos with haddock, chopped romaine, chopped tomatoes, Mexican cheese, scallions, and salsa; Fruit Salad (minus the coconut and marshmallows!) 
  • WEDNESDAY:  Stir Fried Orange Tofu with potatoes, peas, broccoli, carrots, onions, black beans

  • THURSDAY: Slow Cooker Chicken and Curried Barley with Carrots and Green Beans

What's on your menu this week?

What's your favorite egg recipe?

Leave a comment!