About the Logo!

The logo for my blog, Gold in the Clouds, that you see on the Home page, (the rainbow and cloud (except during the months of November through February)  was created/designed by my oldest daughter, Courtney E T--------for her first Graphic Design class at Gordon College.

Courtney has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design and a Bachelor of Science in Math from Gordon College (Boston, MA).  

She works as Administrative Assistant for Carrolls Corporation in the Capital Region  (NYS) office.

Just after  college, for about 2 years, Courtney designed and implemented various logos for the Twelve2 ministry here in the Capital Region of NYS.  She is an avid gamer and also likes to paint in her free time. Reading is one of her fave hobbies. 

Huge thanks to her for creating the rainbow logo for this blog!!

....please note: the logo is covered under my copyright....please be respectful and do not copy Courtney's work.


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