"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

20 June 2007

Sit Still

I'm currently in the book of Ruth for my daily Bible reading and meditation. I know I have read through this book before, probably has been several years now, but for some reason it was on my heart to really dig into this week. So, here are some thoughts I have gleaned from it. I am particularly struck by verse 18 from chapter 3. In fact, I included it in my "coffeebreak".
Ruth listened to her mother in law, Naomi, and waited on God. How many of us, who have had godly parents or mentors, have listened to advice and waited to see how God would arrange things? I think many of us have stumbled in this area. I know I have in the past! I know I almost married the wrong man but boy, at the time, he sure did seem like the right one. Thanks go to the Lord for His mercy and protection! I decided to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and "wait on God", even though my flesh thought that this was what I needed. How wrong I was. If I had married this man and not listened to the Lord, I would have been in the wrong relationship with a marriage of many troubles. In fact, this man I thought was so right for me, is serving time in jail as I write this. I won't go into what the crime was but....I will say that my life would have been a mess. Ruth too, waited on God. Boaz was like a "Christ-figure". Boaz forgave her past and loved her. Just like Jesus does for us. Our character can only be revealed by time. If God is in something, He will keep it together and/or bring it to pass. Wait on Him! Trust Him. And remember: Jesus redeems us and sets us free. Just like Boaz did with Ruth. Read the book for a better picture of what Ruth went through....and meditate on this verse from chapter 4: 15 "and may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age..." read the rest to find out what happens and how Ruth is tied to Jesus!


Anonymous said...

Good thoughts about the book of Ruth. from ellen

Homemanager said...

Very good, faith! If I may add, it seems that every OT person, in some way reflects Jesus.
When we were working through the book of revelation in our home group, the Lord quickened to me that Jesus has revealed Himself throughout the Bible, from cover to cover.

Faith said...

Hi Karen: Yes, it does seem like that. I think that is important because sometimes people forget that He is God! I mean like we sometimes just see Jesus from the nativity to the resurrection forgetting that he has revealed himself to us throughout the Scriptures. I probably am not saying in a concise way what I mean but hopefully you get it! :) thanks for visiting!