Are there any blogs out there that feature women who are Christians and are choosing to send their children to their local public schools? Just curious....seems like all the ones I run into are homeschooled moms in blogosphere......if there are any Christian moms of public school kids out there who are blogging, someone let me know! (or moms who are working outside the home, either part time or full time while the children are in school?)
I found one! The name is She Lives and I have listed it in my sidebar.
I've had mine in school since my oldest was in 4th grade. If you google me, you'll find I was a very active homeschooling mom up to that point - on a local, regional and national level.
So, yeah. They're in public school now.
Don'tchya just love how God works!!
My kids go to "Seperate School" which in Canada is Catholic schools even though we are not "officially" Catholic. Unfortunately in a lot of ways it is just like a public school with some "religion" classes thrown in. (I grew up Catholic but my family now attends an interdenominational Christian church). They are in grades 8, 10 & 12.
HI Susanne: We also attend an interdenominational Evangelical church. We love it! ( I was raised Free Methodist and attended public schools until college. I attended a Christian college, Roberts Wesleyan COllege in ROchester) I am fortunate that our local public schools in our town are excellent, both academically and financially so we have alot of extras that many towns are not able to offer. Our high school is rated in the top 75 high schools in the nation. I would love to move to a smaller town (we have about 2800 kids at the high school and about 500 at the junior high plus 6 elementary schools) but because of the excellent faculty and courses, etc. we are staying here until our girls are done and move on to college! It is good to meet you.....I enjoy your blog!
I just found your blog, and I wanted to say that we are a Christian family and our children go to the local school. Several of my friends homeschool, but we don't. Looking forward to reading your blog!
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