"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

19 October 2007

Fun Friday

It's finally Friday! I had a busy morning in the kindergarten classroom. I praise God for teaching alongside such wonderful staff members. I had to learn more about children with sensory integration problems and the O.T. was most helpful in showing me how to deal with H---. He even made eye contact with me today! (and it prompted me to say a quick, silent prayer of thanks to my Lord who gave me physically and emotionally healthy children...what a task it is to raise an autistic child....I was then able to quietly lay my hand on his shoulder and pray for him and his parents). The joy of teaching in a public school is that I can use the gift of prayer for helping these children. I love how God works in that He so often provides me a chance to just quietly pray for them with my hands on them. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't pray in public school!
Tonite will be some "down time" for the girls. Claire had 3 quizes and 1 test this week in 3rd grade. Courtney did not have tons of homework but she does have an Honors English research paper to finish this weekend.
Tomorrow, we head out to the upper central part of the Adirondacks and hike to the firetower on the summit of Goodnow Mt. Around our house this weekend, we will enjoy being in the creation that God has given to us and taking many photos of the gorgeous autumn colors.
Enjoy your weekend!

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