During the latest devotional reading with my daughters, we discussed Galations 1: 10 which states "Obviously, I'm not trying to be a people pleaser! No, I am trying to please God. If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ's servant."
We discussed times at school when others might be gossiping, engaging in inappropriate jokes or judging/making fun of peers who are "different" or "not popular". I asked the girls if they ever "went along with the crowd" just to please their friends. Both of them admitted that sometimes they do. Especially my oldest (age 14). We discussed how important it is to do everything for the glory of God, since we are witnesses to those around us. (see I Cor. 10: 31-33). My youngest is just in 3rd grade so some of this isn't affecting her and her friends yet although she did say sometimes girls make fun of other girls if they "have weird clothes". This led to a discussion about standing up for other people who are different from us even if we are the only one showing kindness. We talked about what Jesus would do if he was in the cafeteria at school or on the playground, the bus, the hallways, the football game, etc. etc.
Courtney did share then about a girl in her class who is not allowed to eat lunch in the cafeteria due to some special health issues. The girl has many classes in the special education wing; Courtney and 3 other peers are now purchasing their lunch and then taking it to this wing to help the girl feel included. This was a perfect example for her to see how kind this is to the girl and what a testimony for Jesus' Love this is, and how by doing that she is pleasing Him rather than the mainstream crowd. As believers, we are supposed to be like Christ and follow in His footsteps! If we screw up and act in a way that is not pleasing to the Lord, we ask forgiveness and ask the Lord to help us do what is right and pleasing in His eyes. We discussed the dangers of going along with the crowd just to please peers. Jesus didn't play favorites and He didn't change what He said depending on who was listening. He did what God told Him to say and do. We need to do the same. (I also shared with my children a couple of lessons I learned growing up and trying to please people rather than the Lord and I admitted to them that it is hard sometimes, even in the church community.....are we doing something because God told us to or to get the approval of others?). We prayed that as we go out and live our lives that we do it in a way that pleases God. What about you? How do you think you are doing as a God pleaser? Are there any tips you can share about what you teach your own children regarding this topic?
We discussed times at school when others might be gossiping, engaging in inappropriate jokes or judging/making fun of peers who are "different" or "not popular". I asked the girls if they ever "went along with the crowd" just to please their friends. Both of them admitted that sometimes they do. Especially my oldest (age 14). We discussed how important it is to do everything for the glory of God, since we are witnesses to those around us. (see I Cor. 10: 31-33). My youngest is just in 3rd grade so some of this isn't affecting her and her friends yet although she did say sometimes girls make fun of other girls if they "have weird clothes". This led to a discussion about standing up for other people who are different from us even if we are the only one showing kindness. We talked about what Jesus would do if he was in the cafeteria at school or on the playground, the bus, the hallways, the football game, etc. etc.
Courtney did share then about a girl in her class who is not allowed to eat lunch in the cafeteria due to some special health issues. The girl has many classes in the special education wing; Courtney and 3 other peers are now purchasing their lunch and then taking it to this wing to help the girl feel included. This was a perfect example for her to see how kind this is to the girl and what a testimony for Jesus' Love this is, and how by doing that she is pleasing Him rather than the mainstream crowd. As believers, we are supposed to be like Christ and follow in His footsteps! If we screw up and act in a way that is not pleasing to the Lord, we ask forgiveness and ask the Lord to help us do what is right and pleasing in His eyes. We discussed the dangers of going along with the crowd just to please peers. Jesus didn't play favorites and He didn't change what He said depending on who was listening. He did what God told Him to say and do. We need to do the same. (I also shared with my children a couple of lessons I learned growing up and trying to please people rather than the Lord and I admitted to them that it is hard sometimes, even in the church community.....are we doing something because God told us to or to get the approval of others?). We prayed that as we go out and live our lives that we do it in a way that pleases God. What about you? How do you think you are doing as a God pleaser? Are there any tips you can share about what you teach your own children regarding this topic?
Hi Faith!
Thank you so much for your comments on my blog. I remember you I believe. I was there when you were there, I came to VLCC in July 2002, just before Pastor Phil was set in.
Your comments keep hustling me forward for the prize. I need to get my testimony out there---for others---and for me---and for my Highest, He wants everyone to know---Look what the Lord has done.
Thanks for visiting! I think I had your daughter one year in Sunday School (when she was a prek-er?) maybe? Your testimony is awesome and I can't wait to read the rest! God is merciful and full of grace isn't He??
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