"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

26 November 2007

8 Random Things about Me

Ok. I got tagged for a meme from Susanne over at Living to Tell the Story.
I need to write about 8 random things regarding my self. This might be kinda hard. I also don't really have the time to do this but....hey....it's kinda fun and I gotta wait for the laundry to be done anyhow before diving into my next household chore so......

  1. I lived in Kansas City, Missouri for exactly one week way back in 1984. It was a tough time. I was supposed to be starting graduate school at the University of Kansas City, MO for music therapy. I was also supposed to be living as a nanny for a wealthy family in that city while taking classes. I won't go into the whole story here but......since I was a backslidden Christian at the time, I was totally NOT hearing from the Lord as to my future and what He wanted me to do. The family was entirely unreasonable in their expectations. I was just out of a private, Christian college and facing this large university with really no idea of what I was supposed to be doing with my life. On top of that, I was in a relationship that I so wanted to end in marriage but......thanks to God's mercy and grace on my life, this was the wrong man.....anyways......I only lasted a week in the mid-west and I came back here to the East coast.
  2. My latest craze is soy nuts....did I already post something about this? Anyways....that is my latest favorite snack.
  3. My xmas shopping is almost done. For my 2 daughters anyways. Just have some stocking stuffers to finish and their treats for St. Nicholas day.
  4. I am really into the Alex Cross novels by James Patterson. Am on the waiting list at the town library, for his newest one. Am like #45 on the list....it's gonna be awhile!
  5. I once wanted to be a part of the Partridge Family.....remember them? The closest I came was my 2 friends from childhood and I would set up pretend instruments on the backporch and play our records (yes that's right....LP's!) of the Partridge Family and we would sing along, loudly and lustily....we thought we were so cool! (not sure what my parents' neighbors thought!)
  6. I love mocha lattes. Had one yesterday at church. The fellowship cafe sells them for $3.00....it sure hit the spot on a chilly day.
  7. I want toe socks for xmas. Bought some for Courtney and Claire. Hope they get me some!
  8. I collect dragonfly pins. Another story to that.....dragonflies are romantic to my husband and I. On our first official date, we saw a huge, blue-green dragonfly on a car bumper as we were strolling down the main street of a tiny town in the Berkshire Mts. Every birthday and/or xmas I usually get either a dragonfly or butterfly pin. My 2 favorite insects......
Ok that's 8 things. Now I need to get some housework done!


Susanne said...

Thanks for playing Faith! It was fun getting to know some things about you.

I love the dragonfly story. Now seeing your little dragonfly in comments will mean so much more.

I loved the Partridge Family when I was a kid. Totally. I thought it would be so fun to be part of their family singing and touring around in that ugly old bus.

I know it's in the post above but I just wanted to tell you I used to be a special education classroom aide before I had kids.

Faith said...

Hi Susanne!
That is so neat that you were a special education aide. That is technically what I am this year as I wanted part time but in special ed prek it is difficult to get part time teaching (in our area anyways). I don't want to work full time while my youngest is still in grade school so....I am blessed to have this part time job. THanks for visiting! I am so glad I "met" you!