A dreary, heavy rain has been falling all day. When I went out to get the paper at 6: 15 this morning, it was downright balmy! By the time I left for work, I needed a fleece-lined raincoat as the temps had dropped from 55 to 47! I leave at 7: 45 a.m. so I knew this was a sign that the day would just get colder. and it did! but at least......well....here is what I am thankful for today:
- no snow....where my parents live, in central NYS, they have wet snow...we just have rain here in the capital region on NY
- the boxed muffin package I had in my cupboard...I just don't have time to make homemade muffins today and the girls love them for an after school snack but....thank you Lord for boxed mixes!
- for my husband's supply of sandpaper...even though his tool area is a mess, I was able to find sandpaper that I needed to begin the desk project!
- the rain that is falling.....we do need it and it has been a very dry autumn here so....
- my friend, Lynn: she had me over for lunch the other day and I really needed that! She was one of my first friends I met when we joined our new church....I praise God for her and her hospitality...we pray for each other and our daughters are good friends....this is a blessing to me!
- my hot cup of raspberry coffee.....I truly need the little perk on this dreary, grey afternoon!
- our pastor and his leadership: my husband and I are learning alot from his leadership workshops and his sermons. Thank you Lord for this servant!
What are you thankful for today??
MMMM, raspberry coffee. I've never had that.
Glad you found your sandpaper. It's always a drag when you have to spend time looking for something when you're trying to get a project going.
It's very dry here too. And getting dryer by the day because of all the wind. We had a one day break and now it's back at it. It would be nice if there was some rain on the tail end of it.
Great list of things to be thankful for.
I am looking forward to Thanksgiving with the family and some friends. I am thankful for the holidays because they bring us together. I am thankful for the Comforter that will help us to get through the holidays too! Holidays can be hard on family relationships too.
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