"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

30 November 2007

Friday's Feast

What is your favorite carnival/amusement park ride?

My favorite ride is the Bobsled at Great Escape/6 Flags, Lake George...mainly because my whole family loves it....but...those long lines! This past summer we waited in line for 40 min for a 30 sec. ride! Yeah....we're nuts!

How do you react in uncomfortable social situations?

Oh...it depends on the social situation! If it involves gossip I tend to try to steer the conversation to something more appropriate. If it involves extended family, I retreat to another room....it really depends on the situation but my first instinct is to change topics or avoid the situation altogether!

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy discussing deep, philosophical topics?

Again, it depends on the topic! If it is spiritual in content I would say an 8. Usually the number would be a 5 though....my husband would say a 10! He is the philosophical debater in our house!

Main Course
Did you get a flu shot this year? If not, do you plan to?

NO! I see too many people come down with the flu after receiving the shot! I work with young children but I never worry about the flu......haven't had it in over 5 years...don't plan on getting it....we are handwashing fiends in our house and school!

Approximately how many hours per week do you spend watching television?

I probably watch about 3 hour worth if you don't count the half hour of 5: 30 news that I listen to while cooking dinner: Heroes for 1 hour, Law and Order SVU for 1 hour and Women's Murder Club for 1 hour (on fridays when we are home!)


Susannah said...

I like the way you handled the soup course. You're one wise lady! :~D

Amy said...

Oooh, the Bobsled would be fun! One good thing about having arthritis is I don't have to wait in line! If you are on crutches or in a wheelchair most places will let you and a companion on first.

As far as conversations, my husband is the debater also! I usually let him do all the talking.