"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

18 January 2008

I have been tagged with The Seven Random Things About Me.
Jennifer, over here, tagged me.
  • The rules are to link the person who sent this to you...and leave a comment on their blog.. so their readers can visit yours.
  • Post the rules on your blog
  • Share 7 strange/weird facts about you on your blog
  • Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog
  • Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blog...
  • OK here's MY seven.....
  1. I am actually ambidextrous although I use my left for writing/printing and chopping veggies. I am considered "left-handed" but I actually swing a bat, play golf, tennis, iron, cut with my right hand. Weird....and my oldest is just like me!
  2. Every spring, as soon as it reaches 70 degrees, the VERY FIRST day it gets to 70, I HAVE to drive to Dunkin Donuts for an iced mocha latte. I have to! My family thinks it's weird. I have turned it into my little tradition.
  3. I like to arrange my spices in alphabetical order....although it often doesn't stay that way.
  4. I arrange my husband's dress shirts by color....all the dark blues together, all the whites, etc.
  5. I collect sea glass. I know.....most people collect sea shells. I collect sea glass. Does that make me weird??
  6. I still like writing letters the old fashioned way and I actually prefer it to emails. According to my children, this makes me weird.
  7. I feel closest to God when I am hiking in the woods and get to the summit of the mountain....this seems weird to some people but for me....it is just how I am.
I am gonna break the rules though and just tag 2 people.

Karen at Sowers Corner

Tali at Not About Us


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the Dunkin Donuts thing! Too funny, what a great way to celebrate when it hits 70 here, hmmm when do you think that will be June :0)

I didn't know that you were ambidextrous Faith. I have to agree with you on hand writing letters, much more personal. I think that sea glass is way better than the shells, tried to find some several years ago but only came up with like one piece.

Christine is back blogging at Fruit in Season and I found a blog that is pretty amusing it is called "Big Mama" I'll e-mail you the link.

Homemanager said...

Hello Faith and Erin! :)
I didn't think any of what you shared was weird, Faith and I agree with both you and Erin, in letter writing. I have just set up a "writing" area for myself, complete with a basket of note cards so that I can send one out when the Lord puts a specific person on my heart. I know I really enjoy getting a note or card. It is special.
Erin, I'm glad to hear that Christine is back on at Fruit in Season. I really enjoyed her blog.

Faith said...

HI Erin: thanks for visiting. and thanks for telling me about Fruit in Season...I always like hers! And I am hoping it hits 70 in April this year...i gotta get on those kayaks! LOL

Hi Karen: thanks for stopping by. I have a writing drawer in my bedroom desk and each of my kids has one too. Courtney doesn't do as much as she used to, and Claire just writes to her cousins but they both do thank you notes the "old fashioned" way. I like having note paper, cards, stickers, etc on hand. I believe it is an art that needs to be utilized more in this century!

Susanne said...

Love #2. And is there any other way to arrange spices? Not in my world. ;v)

tali said...

hi faith, i'm ambidexterous too! I think i was meant to be left-handed but was taught to use my right...so i use to play table tennis and throw balls with my left hand, I still juggle with my left...my brother and mum are the same. My son is looking like he's the same, except if he wants to write with his left I'm going to let him:)

I always feel closer to the LORD in nature too - thunderstorms and lighting remind of our LORD...autumn trees, the sea. if i could climb a mountain i would feel the same way as you :)

thanks for tagging me, will post something today.