"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

12 January 2008

Small Groups

I am so excited! I was praying about what kind of small group I wanted to join for this new year. In our church, it is expected that all covenant members, be participating in some type of small group study. It can be a couple's group, single-sex group, parenting group, ministry-related group, leadership group or large group study (like the once a week women's weekly devotional group or the once a month men's ministry). I did the once a week women's group for 2006/2007 school year as I was not working that year. I loved it. It met every Wed. a.m. for 2 1/2 hours and I learned so much plus I made so many new friends of all ages. Most of us were moms, some were part time working moms, some were SAHM, some were retired, some were single, many were never married. It was so wonderful to be in such a diverse group. However, I was also attending a couples small group for 2 6-week sessions with my husband. And I was an Awana Cubbies leader. And I was a house host for my oldest daughter's junior high small group. Whew....we were busy! So, after praying about it, my husband decided that for this school year, he was going to just attend the once a month men's ministry when he could get out of work on time (the men's group meets for dinner at 6 followed by their teaching), and he took on the position of middle school coordinator for the life::redefined part of youth group, which means he not only helps to plan the small groups for the junior high kids, plus the social events, but he also runs a boys small group! So, that is what he is focusing on this year. I decided since my youngest was done with Awana (she did it for the last 2 years, our first 2 at the church) because she wanted to join HizKidz Praise! drama ministry, that I should stop teaching Cubbies and sign up for helping at HizKidz. I have been doing that since September and it is fun!
Now that we are in our 3rd year as members of our church, and back to teaching part time every day, we knew that some of my volunteering would have to be cut back. (e.g. I can no longer volunteer to be a table host for the weekly women's group because I teach every a.m. of the school week). Therefore, as per expectations of our covenant membership, I needed to be in some type of small group. I started browsing through the Small Group Ministry info sheet and there were like over 35 to choose from! My husband said No to joining another marriage one because he cannot fit it into our schedules with his demands from the youth center. So.....I kept praying all through the autumn and decided to take the small group leadership training course. Dave had to take it our first year in order to qualify for being a boys small group leader. He also had to apply for a background check which in my opinion is one of the best things a church can invest in. It is extremely important to know your leaders. Dave encouraged me to take the course, even though we had been leading small groups for 7 years in our former church, and co-leading for 3. (our former church called them "home groups"). But, our new church requires any potential leader to take a 3 hour course. It is awesome! Again, I just learned so much! (and wish I had had some of this info when we were at our old place...it was so very helpful!). After taking the course, I spent some time with a good friend and we decided to start our own group using the book "Cappaccino with Colossians" from the Coffee Cup Series. (dave felt as though I should have a co leader due to our family schedule and school events). Due to reasons I am still not sure of, she decided just before Thanksgiving that she could no longer co lead with me. So...I was kinda stuck back to the beginning of "ok Lord, where do you want me?" I bagan praying again during the holidays and guess what? On the announcement screen one Sunday, I saw a message about a women's group starting up in January for a once a month small group study using the very book I had just purchased to start my own! Isn't God amazing? After calling the woman leader, she said Yes, there were openings in her group! (our church has a policy that they prefer small groups to be, ideally, no more than 12 people per group; 8 is optimal according to many leaders I have spoken with). So...I am joining the small group of women, studying the book of Colossians, and praising the Lord for providing exactly what I needed. (and hey...I can handle once a month!). Oh, the other blessing that comes with this: it is on a Thursday, which means my oldest can babysit my youngest while Dave is at the Youth Center with the jr. high kids and I am at my study! (because the senior high small groups are on Weds!!) Isn't God great, when we give Him the control??

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