"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

07 May 2008

I feel like oxen must feel. Just plodding along. Do they even know where they are going?
They just plod along, usually pulling a heavy weight.
Not sure why I feel this way lately.

I would much rather feel like thisWhen Courtney used to ride, she rode a horse similar to this one. His name was ShyBoy.
There was nothing shy about him.
She was thrown from him 2 times....but...she always got back on....

I often wished I could just run like this....free....
I want to feel free.....

It's a good thing I know that my faith isn't based on feelings....but...


Susanne said...

I know exactly what you mean!

Susannah said...

Lol, I'm feeling like a team of yoked oxen today myself. Maybe it's because I'm still working on my first cuppa.

Trusting you'll feel more like a stallion later today. :~D

tali said...

me too! Like that horse or soar like an eagle. Above the busyness of life and all those things that way us down so we can't see the bigger picture or the horizon up ahead because we're lost in the trees.

I have been feeling this way too because of the move and family funeral...but things are starting to clear and my house is very liveable so I can focus on the most important task the LORD has put in my hand right now - my next child. 7 weeks of putting this little one kicking within me 1st!!!