"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 October 2010

My "To-Do" List or God's List??

It's Sunday!  After a leisurely morning breakfast and coffee with a good book, I turned to the Good Book while my husband was in the shower.  One daughter is up getting her own breakfast and one is still asleep.

Before I turned my thoughts to the chapter in Romans that I wanted to read today, my mind started a mental "to do" list.

YIKES.....this is supposed to be the Sabbath for me because yesterday was a "cook, clean, chores" day.
However, there are so many things that need to be done that are not checked off yet!
Here's a sample of what was running through my mind:
  1. Cook dinner (last nite we ordered pizza due to the busy day)
  2. Biking with Claire (important to her)
  3. Go to the high school and watch Courtney practice the pumpkin launching with her catapault for the Physics project due Wednesday.  Take video & pics.  Husband helps with the transport.
  4. Help Courtney finish her online application for a certain scholarship that is due by 11/1 
  5. Sign the parental consent form for above application and reload into the computer.
  6. Print out copy for grade 12 principal.  Mail to the High School office before Wed.
  7. Make the weekly dinner plans.
  8. finish the 2006 scrapbook on Snapfish (yes you read this correctly...2006!)
  9. email my Moms in Touch group regarding next meeting
  10. email my Got Teens? group regarding summary, etc.
and the list could go on and on.

So...rather than grabbing my notepad, I decided to just store the list in my head and get going on my devotional reading.

Here's part of what I read:

"Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil;  for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.  Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another."
Romans 14: 16-19
And God quieted my mind with His Word.

Yes, I still have that mental "to do" list.  Yikes...I even have to fit in some form of physical work-out if the biking doesn't take place....and now it's time to drive to church!!!

It is now after church as I finish writing this post.

Dinner is in the oven/cooking.
Teenager is doing homework while husband finishes the necessary prep for the Physics project.
Tween is quiet and reading the comics after just setting the table.

I'm waiting for the squash to cook so I can add my maple syrup and nutmeg.  

And my mind begins to be at peace while I continue to meditate on the Truth of God's Words.

Yes...I have a "to do" list.  Yet....I also will have my priorities straight if I pursue the things of God first.

Time in the Word.  Once again I chose a good novel over His Good Book .  ~sigh~

But....after a most excellent sermon about our various giftings as a church body, and about serving others before ourselves, and being humble, I came home to meditate on all those Scriptures.  

And really.....to confess before Him that I want to turn to His Word first place in my day.

So once again I purpose in my heart to do just that.

To do my ministry at home which is to role model for my daughters the life of Christ.  To show them that turning to God's word brings peace and guidance.

Yes I can fit in all my "stuff to do" today.....I can even carve out some time to read that novel.....but first....

Seek Him.

Turn the day over to Him.

Relate with my family around the dinner table.

Cheer on my teen and hubby over this physics project (but secretly be relieved when it is complete!)

Meditate on the Scriptures above.

The kingdom of God is NOT centered around my "to do" list....it is centered around His Purposes, His Righteousness, and doing what He has planned for me to do. 

I have been teaching my daughters what I call the FIVE C's.  This is my desire for them:  that they have these priorities established when they are on their own...in fact, I just shared these with the moms in my small group as our discussion centered around teaching our teens "life skills".

The T----Family Five C's are:
  1. Christ (their relationship with Christ is first in their lives)
  2. Castle (home/husband:  if they get married)
  3. Children (if they have children in their future)
  4. Career
  5. Church (their ministries they are involved in, etc)
Am I role modeling this for them?  Is Dave?

Well, we are certainly trying!  That could be a whole other post!

But for today....on my list, I will make sure that my time in the Word is first.

All the other things will have to follow.

What's on your "to do" list today??


Susanne said...

I continually have to remind myself that those things that are screaming on my to do list are not necessarily the most important. The Lord must be my first priority. Great reminders, Faith.

Susannah said...

I like your five C list! Nice, and easy to remember that way.

I'm fond of lists too, for keeping myself organized, and keeping things in priority. God's Word is always a priority. The problem is, once I get started with my study, I have a hard time changing gears. Mary doesn't always want to morph into Martha. (Even though I love all things domestic too.)

It sounds like your life is really well-balanced. Good job!