"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

09 March 2011


Ok....as per the request of a couple of friends, and at the suggestion of a couple of blogging buddies....I decided to start a blog focused on food, nutrition, and keeping a busy mom's kitchen organized.......

you will find recipes, that you have permission to copy, at my new blog "faithfixes".....

the link is here.

ENJOY....and I hope to see some of you over there!


Susanne said...

Just popped over there Faith. It looks nice and I'll bet it's going to be great to have your recipes all in one place!

Faith said...

Susanne! yes....it was getting cumbersome to find em all on here....cause once I post em, I toss out the hard copy.....this will be (hopefully) more organized!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to check it out!

Faith said...

Check at least once a week, Rosie....I'm going to try a new recipe per week from now until summer...and I'll post what I cook!