"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

19 March 2011

reflections from a drive

the Adirondack Northway's "Twin Bridges"
between Albany and Saratoga Springs heading north
So my watercolor painting I bought from the gallery near Lake George was ready for pick-up today.

It started out as a grey, gloomy day.  I made cinnamon rolls for my family.....ate a leisurely breakfast with the morning paper.....and after a shower, decided to spontaneously call my friend Lynn to see if she really did want to make the drive with me to the gallery.  She did...I picked her up and we were off.
We hadn't had a good "girl chat" in like forever....at least a month!
Due to a school event, she couldn't make small group this past week and due to some rather hectic afternoons this week neither one of us was free for coffee or lunch...we just texted all week.....

so on the drive up, we got caught up on what's going on in our lives/marriages/our girls and I summarized the small group meeting she missed.  She shared with me about the small group she leads for people struggling with addictions, we shared our thoughts about the junior high youth group that her daughter, and my youngest, are in..... we just finally had this chance to really talk.  

And....there was laughter......there were tears....we are amazed at what God is doing in the group, with each other, with areas of healing....we shared about our views on some friendships that have "fallen by the way side" and I covenanted to pray and dig even more into the Word of God for healing and truth regarding a couple of situations......basically we had moments of just deep sharing and thankfulness for each other and for the Lord....

and the sun came out in full glory!

What a beautiful day for a drive.....
a pretty day for sharing with a friend....and for reflecting on all He has brought about....

it made me realize just how much I crave good, solid friendships..the kind that go deep...the kind that know how to let go of past grievances or stupid remarks or petty problems.....the kind that are Christ-centered and unified.  And I realized, too, and then it was confirmed by 2 different things I saw on the internet regarding our Christian lifestyles, that when Christ lives within us....friendships are unified.  We are actually sisters (or brothers) in Christ!!  And Christ covers a multitude of sins.....glory to God! Oh, how I treasure all my frindships.....the close ones who live near me, and the far away ones I have to email or write to or send messages via FB to......all these friends are so important to me...and almost all of these people know Christ in a personal way! We are united even if far away...and that includes emotional distance....(more on that at a later post!)

Reflections during a drive with a friend....what a perfect way to begin the weekend!

and then I came home and made these

because every woman needs a little chocolate now and then, right?

Happy Spring!

Note:  I was reminded by e-mom that we are now doing Marriage Monday bimonthly.  Therefore, before my Daybook Entry on Monday, there will be a post for the Marriage Monday.  I'll be writing about the the Season of Spring in Marriages.

This will bump back my post on "friendships that fall away"........I'm not sure when that will be posted...but it will get written at some point very soon.....and don't forget to check out the new family-friendly recipes on "faithfixes"......that blog is not copyrighted so feel free to copy any recipe you see....

Enjoy your Sabbath day.......


Susanne said...

I think I'm due for a nice driving trip with a girlfriend. I crave really good, solid friendships too.

Faith said...

Well Susanne...if you lived near me, I'd go for that drive with ya! but you live FAR!! (yet in a place that is near to a place that is on me and Dave's list of places to see....Banff National Park....sigh..maybe someday....)