"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

06 March 2012

Taking Time To Count

Taking time today.....amidst the busyness of working mom, working wife's life.....to find the treasures....from Him....and counting it all joy...........

..........enjoying late afternoon sunshine warming the ground......

............waiting....for rehearsal to end......the ballerina being rushed home our tongues loose with laughter and talk of our busy day.......

.........eating dinner fast to go to ballet class....

yet taking time to count.....

the blessings......in our day.....busy though it is.......

~~a message from a friend reconnected......

~~soft cushions plump and perfect for leaning~~

~~hot, fragrant coffee~~

~~sales at the grocer~~

~~college girl tomorrow home~~ surprising us with a few days early

and these sights in my world...................
c. faithe MTpics 2012

..........taking the time to count......

to the days until Spring..............


Susanne said...

How exciting having Courtney home! Enjoy every minute!

Karen said...

What a beautiful post! Such a lovely reminder to look for the blessings, all the time!

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Yes counting the days until spring here also!!! :) Enjoyed the spring pics! :)