"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

05 September 2012

Practicing Isaiah 12

I went back to work today.
It was hard.

I'm glad I had some time in the Word before driving to school.

But.....those words didn't stick with me.

And that's when I realized, upon arriving back home after my long first day of meetings, prep, greeting a few students and families who brought supplies in, and gathering with co-workers, that I would need to put the Word in to practice.
Because I was afraid.  All day.

I am afraid this back pain issue will never heal up.

I was afraid today of the dull, aching pain and my reaction to it.  I felt like I was going to crack.  It bothered me that I couldn't move properly. It bothered me that it has been 7 weeks of a hurt back. It bothered me that I don't have control over this!  What if I can't manage to work all day? What if I can't manage the students? How am I gonna get through each day? I can't take much more of this dull aching pain, Lord!!

It bothered me that I forgot what I had just read this morning.............

So.....I took out my Bible tonite to review His Words found in one of the major prophets, Isaiah.

"Behold, God is my salvation.  I will trust and not be afraid.  For YAH, the Lord is my strength and song.  He also has become my salvation.  Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.  And in that day you will say:  Praise the Lord, call upon His name.  Declare His deeds among the peoples.  Make mention that His name is exalted.  Sing to the Lord for He has done excellent things; this is known in all the earth..."
 Isaiah 12:1-6a, New King James Version

When we read the Word, we do need to put it into practice.  Chew on it.

Let it sink into our souls.......

..........to be hidden in our heart so our minds can be reminded of it.....when trials come.......or the pain continues........

And we need to remember Who is in control of our bodies.

GOD MADE ME!  He knows my body.  

It was funny......

......my college gal texted me that she would be praying for my back......and she reminded me that this would take time.......ironic, this getting advice and encouragement from my oldest girl-child turning young woman.........

I need to remember the faithfulness of my Protector.... my God....He has done great things for me in the past....and in this remembering, I can put into practice the words of "TRUST AND DON'T BE AFRAID"

Even if I have to repeat it over and over......I will.........

I want to trust in God fully........I'll follow the advice of the chiropractor of course.....God has placed good medical professionals in our lives......yet....my inner strength and joy must come from Him.

This happens when I trust.  And am not afraid.


image taken from fillthevoid.org


Susanne said...

I can imagine how hard it was Faith. Especially when you work with small children. God is faithful. Praying you feel upholded and carried until that hip totally heals.

Faith said...

Thanks Susanne!! This morning wasn't as bad but tonite...oh boy...i'm a hurtin'! Chiropractor thinks it 'll be healed up in just a couple weeks....here's to praying!