"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

14 October 2012

I Was Hit in Church........

image taken from etsy.com

"............Jesus paid it all.....all to Him I owe....."

it was during this singing.......

...........this singing of the classical hymn made new.........

 this chorus of voices raised in worship in church on a rainy morning that it hit me.............

an overwhelming feeling of "we are a legacy"......

"we come from a legacy" 

my childhood friend Diane.....my friend from so long ago in a different time...........

...........different place............

..........but shared experiences.........

shaping and molding us to who we are today..........

.......our parents, friends all these years eating pie and drinking bottomless cups of coffee.........

...her daddy in heaven now and all those memories of the barn, the cornfields, the cows, the bonfires, the swimming, the wagon rides,  the pie eating, the snow sledding........the Sunday School classes, the church camp...

the fun, the pain, the laughter, the tears.....

..........the friendship kindled and united........

..........returning all these years later like no time has passed..........

and now we are the moms drinking the coffee.

we are the friends doing the eating, the shopping, the laughing, the bottomless cups of coffee....sharing......

and united in Christ because of our legacy.

We are blessed.

Growing up in a village church where families connected often and played and talked and no Facebook,  but face time.

Accepting Jesus and living for Him through the thick and the thin and the storms and the rainbows and the death and the life.........

............and knowing how blessed we are to have parents who Believed.

and knowing how blessed we are to have stayed friends.

and carrying on the same legacy to our children........


.......................Friendship solid...........

.................................God moving, God working..........

..............................................................a legacy.

please note: this post is dedicated to my dear friend and sister in Christ.....Diane W........my house-guest this past weekend.....how overwhelmed I was in church when our hearts and voices were united in singing a hymn we sang as little girls and here we were 40+ years later singing it still..........GOD IS GOOD!


Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

What a beautiful blog post, Faith!! I'm glad to have known your family for so long and happy that you and mom are still close!

Faith said...

melanie, I am glad I know YOU, my dear friend's daughter who is a good friend to my youngest sisters....your smile is gorgeous and I'm so glad we have all remained close :)