"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

11 December 2012

Being Still............

.........it's in the stillness of night that it comes

.....................the quietness of soul 
 .............................................................body .

...........breathing in, breathing out

the letting go of holding tight...............

of dashing around days preparing for the Birth that comes that one special night..............

...........for why do we rush? 

....................why do we dash?

...........my soul craves the savoring, 

the stillness before our Savior.........

the seeing of the 4 deer gently loping across the road teaching a lesson to slow down...........

...........to savor the simple,

..................to make the peace.........

..........................to quicken the quiet........

lights all aglow...........

...............gift tied with bow...........

thinking on the debt He paid that I did owe..........

breathing in, breathing out

of sounds of silence.............

.................before my God............

.....................the One who teaches me to savor.................


Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Thanks for posting this. "Being still" is something I struggle greatly with. If only I could sit still to enjoy chatting with my husband or gazing at the Christmas tree; if only I could "still" my mouth long enough to hear what God has to say to me. I'm always running whether by my feet or my mouth and I need to start being STILL. And knowing that He is God and He is Good!!

Faith said...

melanie: i used to be just like you (and still am on days I don't get into the Word!). Over the years, ever since grad school and starting my teaching job, i have felt that ALL WOMEN (single, married, childless, with children, etc) need time to themselves AT LEAST 10 min a day if not 20-30. whether it's for working out, reading, relaxing with music or a combo, we all need to be "still"". I am finding that the more "me" time I have each day...usually right after work or mid afternoons on weekends...sometimes early mornings on wkends, that I have the chance to hear His still small Voice and have quality intimate time with Him. He is our most important relationship!! I encourage you to get at least 10 min BY YOUR SELF...even during the daycare kids naps....turn off FB and just "be still". whether with wine, coffee, a book the Bible, etc. I am loving it!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Yeah well FB is super addicting hahaa but I know I need less of FB and more of GOD.

I have a little area in my upstairs hallway; a rocking chair, book rack, big smooshy chair and stool in a nook near the window...and last night when all kids left at 5pm, I took a small glass of wine and sat up there and was STILL. I prayed, I read my Bible and a devotional, then I wrote in my journal and read some of Jane Eyre. It was WONDERFUL. I vowed that every evening I am going to do (mornings on Sat and Sundays)....that can be my "be still" time

Faith said...

Melanie!! that sounds perfect!! I love a good glass of wine at the end of a busy day..,and a nice steaming mug of coffee early in the mornings, after work or dinner....and my quiet time. I often have a glass of wine while making dinner when we have it in the house..especially in the summer months...and i TREASURE my quiet times!!