"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

28 December 2012

Last 2012 Faves

The last Friday of 2012.

I'm linking up with other bloggers over at Susanne's to participate in the Friday Fave Five where we share 5 of our favorite moments/events/items from the last week.  I like to call them blessings from God because EVERYTHING He brings to us, big or little, significant or simple, are blessings if we only look.  

I've been on Christmas vacation from the school all week and our oldest daughter is home on her college break until January 13th.  It has been a week of special faves for sure!


  • CLAIRE's CELEBRATION!  Our youngest daughter turned 14 last Friday and she didn't want to go out to dinner!  She wanted my homemade chicken potpie and a family trip to see The Hobbit which had just come out the previous week. We rarely go out to the movies as we have Netflix or borrow dvds from the towne library. We don't like that we have to spend between $10.50-$12 on a MOVIE when we can wait to see it for free or the monthly netflix charge. But it's what she wanted, so off we went. I preferred the book but the movie was enjoyed by Claire and that was the important thing. I do have to say that the young man playing Bilbo Baggins is an excellent actor! (my oldest daughter says he plays Watson in the BBC Sherlock drama series. She is into that show). It was a fun evening out!

  • DINNER OUT!  We took my in-laws out to dinner to one of our  fave restaurants on Saturday evening as they showed up here from MA rather unexpectedly!  It was our Christmas gift to them. I really enjoyed the drink I ordered.  It was a pomegranate margarita and I never usually like margaritas but this looked good....and it was! The dinners we all ordered were tasty too!  It ended up being a very enjoyable evening.

  • CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE!  This is one of my favorite things that our church does each year.  It is our 8th year at this church Grace Fellowship. We are blessed to have godly leaders who represent Christ well. I can't begin to explain how important that is to Dave and I and our daughters. The service was wonderful and chatting with dear friends for a bit was delightful. We love Christmas Eve and all the truths it holds.  The music, carols, message, friends, and our pastor.  Very special.

created by Courtney E T 2012
  • CHRISTMAS!  Christmas is one of my favorite holidays......along with Easter.....there's just something about Christmas, the Reason why we celebrate, the gift exchanges (my primary love language!) and time spent with family and friends. This drawing pictured above is an original watercolor by my oldest, a Graphic Design/Fine Arts major at Gordon College.  She said she meant for this to be a Mother's Day gift but got so busy last semester she had to wait on it. I like the simplicity of the mother and daughter.....it's similar to drawings she would create when she was in elementary school and she KNOWS I miss those days. It was one of my favorite gifts! Now I just need to find a frame to fit it!!

First Snow of the Winter
27 December 2012
  • COZY INSIDE!  One of my favorite things all week has been the chance to sleep in a bit, stay inside and enjoy the tree and family time.  I love having both girls home even though it means my kitchen is messier....er...busier, than usual! Yesterday we received our first snowfall of the season.  Today's morning paper says our town received a little over 7 inches. Some places, like up in the Adirondacks in the area where we like to hike, received almost a foot! This morning's temp (I'm writing this at 6:30 a.m.) is 26 degrees F. BRR......But the house is warm, the birds are starting to flock to the feeder, Dave is back at work, and I plan on getting some much needed organization done around the home.  Claire and I return to the schools on Wednesday so I want to accomplish a lot with the few days that are left of 2012!

What were some blessings from your week??

Please share!!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!!


Ingrid said...

I too love to stay in my cosy home during Christmas time. I only go to the cinema when it's a movie which needs a huge screen, or when I go out with friends. Mr. G. hates to go out he prefers watching films on TV.

Barbara H. said...

We don't go out to movie theaters much as well, for many of the same reasons, but that was one the whole family wanted to see. We enjoyed it though, like you, I enjoyed the book more.

What a sweet drawing.

The Christmas Eve service sounds lovely.

Susan said...

I saw The Hobbit with my daughter too. It was good enough but the LOTR films are our faves. I agree it is hard to pay such high prices when there are cheaper options.

I think Christmas Eve service is always my fave each year. It is homey, has lots of music, and the simple yet powerful story of Christ is always shared. Having a church I connect with is important for me too.

The painting from your daughter is sweet!

I hope the rest of 2012 is the perfect balance between organizing and fun.

ellen b said...

Hi Faithe, sounds like you had an eventful fulfilling week. I'd like a margarita right about now. We really enjoyed our Christmas Eve service, too. Have a great weekend.

Willow said...

I'm glad you got your snow and can stay cozy for the next few days. Relax and enjoy your girls.

Stephani Cochran said...

I've been curious how the Hobbit is. I haven't been to a movie theater in over a year and we don't have television but that is one movie I have been interested in. Sounds like it was a good one. - I can't believe the amount of snow. We got some today, a nice addition to this holiday season! Happy New Year!

nikkipolani said...

I agree with you on the actor who played Bilbo -- excellent work. I also enjoyed the landscape very much. So nice of you all to indulge in your daughter's choice for her birthday. Cold outside is a good time to have a busy kitchen -- even a messy one!