"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

16 February 2013

And I Marveled......

On Friday I took the special needs boy I work with to his ESL class. For those of you unfamiliar with "ESL" it stands for English as a Second Language.  Now P only speaks English but because both his parents are from Croatia and there are some cultural differences, he qualifies for the ESL program along with his Special Education program.  We have many children in the district who qualify. 

As I walked through the classroom door, the ESL teacher told me that sitting around her table were 4 different religions represented.  The group of 6th grade girls all took a turn to tell me their beliefs/religion.  There were 4 Muslims, 1 Hindu, 1 Christian, and the teacher called herself Catholic.  I then shared that I was Christian who attends an inter-denominational church.  

And I marveled.........

because the conversation then took a turn to Lent. I shared with the girls how I had just told Mrs H, the 2nd grade teacher I work with, that I was going to try something new this season.  I wanted to try to give up something that I love (breads and pastas) because if God could sacrifice His Son Jesus, then I could sacrifice eating these items....and just to see if I could actually do it!  I told them that although I am not Catholic like Mrs H or their ESL teacher Mrs S, that I could practice this discipline as could they.  The girl who called herself Christian said she was very interested in Egyptian civilizations and cultures as her parents were from that part of Africa.  She was also very interested in learning more about Lent as were the Muslim and Hindu girls.

And I marveled......

I marvel at how this public school district I am so fortunate to have had my daughters in, and that I work in, is so diverse and open to all the various cultures and religions that make up our very diverse town.

I marvel at how the teacher was incorporating each girl's religion and culture in to her lesson.  I like that I had the time to meet these girls.

I marvel at how we all believe in a  god....and I marvel at how the Scripture verse from John 14, which "just happened" to be the main point of last Sunday's sermon as well as one of the main points in my small group lesson, popped into my mind this day.  There is only ONE true God...the Living God........and we get to Him through His Son Jesus.  That is the ONLY way.  

And I marvel........that maybe some day, some way, these girls will learn the Way.

"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father (God) except through me (Jesus)" John 14:6

I marvel that I know THE way, THE Truth, and THE Life and that maybe by planting a small seed in this public school...this simple statement  that The Son Jesus was sacrificed, maybe they will research this as well.

I marvel at the freedom of worship we have in this town, in this county, in this state, in this country.

"Freedom to Worship"
Painting by Norman Rockwell

And I marvel that I got to meet these diverse girls....and share a little Light.....


Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Sending my teacher son and his teacher fiancee (who both teach in public school) here to read this, Faith!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Wow that is awesome! I love seeing how God works. Thanks for sharing this (love the new look by the way, the rain at the top of the page)