I can't believe I'm at the end of Winter Recess!
This week was crazy..............it had good moments and not good moments. Restful, yet busy.
The good thing is that we don't have much snow left on the ground even though it's been very windy and bitter cold!!
It's not too difficult for me to find faves from the week because I can see God's hand in so much of this past week.......even though for 2 days I had a horrible intestinal virus with flu-like symptoms. UGH...but even with those days of feeling icky, God brought blessings.
Join in with other bloggers and link up at Susanne's to share your five faves from the past week!
- BOOK TIME! My book basket has several good books from the town library plus a couple from my dad. After dropping my youngest off at her ballet class last Saturday morning, I did some errands so that I could have the afternoon to just sit curled up in my favorite living room chair and READ. And read I did! It felt great to have errands and light housework done for the weekend.....and I read for almost 2 hours of uninterrupted bliss!
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- FAMILY ROOM PURCHASES! Since the bamboo floor went in a couple weeks ago, I've been wanting a new area rug for in front of the TV so I can continue doing Pilates in this room. We have a small braided rug (heart-shaped) in front of the deck door but I wanted something oval. I had researched Capel rugs and thought I'd have to buy one from LLBean until a co-worker told me I could get one locally at this place! Big difference in price! So after a lunch date on Sunday, we headed down to Albany. After we found the rug I wanted, we wandered around (it's been about 6 yrs since we shopped at this place) as I was looking for a mirror for the large wall behind the sofa. We didn't find a mirror but we DID find the awesome night chest pictured above. At another great price. I wanted it for the room because it goes with our Shaker style TV armoire.....We put all the dvd's in the drawers....I finally have the collection OUT of the white wicker basket (which was perfect when the girls were young..they could just choose and toss back in). It really perks up the room! 2 purchases at low prices and now all the room needs is a new coat of paint!
- LUNCH DATE! On Sunday after church, Dave and I used a very generous gift certificate he had received from the Youth Pastor at Christmas time for a lunch date at this establishment. I had never been there before as we don't usually choose restaurants in the malls. I didn't like that we had to wait 35 minutes (they only take reservations for groups of 20 or more) and I also did NOT like the ambiance: tables much too close, bar area much too loud, music AND tvs going....UGH. But the food was amazing!! I had the chicken almond salad on whole grain bread, a mixed greens tossed salad and baked potato soup....YUMMY! We had a lovely time chatting about the new novel he is working on and just having the time together.
- COFFEE DATE! My good friend Lynn and I finally had our schedules in synch for a long overdue coffee date. She works part time, I work full time and with Monday being a holiday we both had the day off. And thank goodness we had that time together because the next morning is when the flu bug hit me! We got caught up on all that was going on in our families and ministries we lead and just enjoyed the fellowship. AND...she surprised me by telling me that she and her husband can come to our Couples Game Night on Saturday evening (her husband often has to work on Saturday evenings!). I find it a huge blessing to be able to connect with my friends from church during the week and even after a 2 months time of not getting together, we always have plenty to say!
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Claire in Washington Park, Albany Spring 2011 |
- SHOPPING DATE! My youngest, now 14, is awesome. She is sooo patient. She and I had plans to shop on Tuesday, clean the house thoroughly on Wednesday, and then more shopping on Thursday before heading out to the central part of the state to visit my dad today. Well, when I woke up sick on Tuesday, she never complained. Yesterday (Thursday) I was finally feeling better so after a morning of some light housework we went and did the shopping for the musical she's in at school. The show isn't until the end of next month, but we knew we should spend a vacation day to purchase the needed items. We found everything in just 3 different stores! We came home for late lunch (only to discover my husband was home from work with the same bug I had had!) and after eating, we then headed over here to get new shoes and so she could browse in this bookstore and spend her gift card. I rested in the cafe and read while she shopped. It was great. We came home and had dinner together and then I did more housework and checked on my husband. Later that night we enjoyed a movie together. This girl brings so much joy to my heart...I can't believe I get to be her mom. (and yes...i feel the same way about my oldest!)
That's about it for me.....we are spending some time with my dad out in Central NY while my husband recuperates.
and tomorrow evening we are hosting our Annual Couples Game Night with several couples from our church!!
Happy Weekend, everyone......
Sorry you had a bout with the 'bug'.
I've only been to the Cheesecake Factory a couple of times and it was nice, especially the one time a slice of cheesecake was half price!
I love going to B&N and perusing their paper craft magazines.
Hope you are feeling all better now and can really enjoy your weekend. Hope hubby gets better soon too.
I love gift cards to restaurants and bookstores.
Yeah for great finds for your room! We've been on the lookout for months for something to put all our dvds in that would go with our living room that is a decent price.
Sorry you and Dave had a "bug" but the rest of your week sounded lovely.
I love new furniture purchases for the home. It gives one such a lift to have a little change.
A couples game night sounds like fun!
Sorry you caught the flu - there's a lot of it going around.
Reading is my idea of a perfect break too!
Great buys! I love them both.
Happy weekend!
Shopping with a daughter...sigh... Sounds like so much fun.
Glad to hear you're feeling better. And two hours of reading -- that's awesome!
Hope your transition back into school is an easy one, Faith.
The little chest you found is so sweet. And two hours of uninterrupted reading time is a TREAT. How nice for you.
Sorry you caught the bug, but the rest of your winter recess sounds fabulous! I know what you mean about the joy of uninterrupted reading time.
I've never been to the Cheesecake Factory. Not sure why. :)
That chest and rug are very pretty and look like they would go well together. Two hours of uninterrupted reading time, in daylight hours, sounds wonderful. And I'm glad you had time to spend with your daughter, your dad and your friend and are having the fun of a couples game night this weekend.
Sounds like you had a lovely week with your family and friend! Nice purchases, by the way. Hope your husband will get over his sickness soon!
Should I be glad or sad that you were sick during your week off? Glad because you didn't miss work, or sad because you didn't miss work? I hope you're feeling fine now.
Notwithstanding the bug, you had a great week off. The shopping trip with your girl was the best! So your husband is a writer???
Hi Willow! no, my husband is a computer software engineer/geek who gets paid LOL BUT he just had a short story published (his first!) and is now working on a couple more shorts and getting an outline ready for his first novel (genre: science fiction).
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