"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

27 April 2013

2013 Book Review #16

Started reading this book earlier in the week.

Had trouble with getting started but because I had read other reviews about this author's books, I wanted to try her.

Half-way through the book I still felt bogged down.........the story starts out exciting (in my opinion) but quickly becomes sluggish and depressing and all-over-the-place boring.


A woman named Abby Bennett is an accountant in Florida where she is in complete control of her life.

Tragedy turns into an obsession.....something she has never before experienced.

The obsession is Tyler Kamp, a man she has never met.

Abby's obsession leads her to British Columbia, Canada to a small town and winery.

Her travels bring back memories of her family and childhood, which were dysfunctional.  Her parents were married and had just her and her much younger sister Hailey.  

Hailey was spoiled, needy, beautiful, and .....mentally ill.

We find out that Hailey committed suicide (we find this out in the beginning of the story but flashbacks keep happening to Abby and the reader learns more as the book progresses).

As Abby travels through her future, she is haunted by her past.

She gets to the brink of her obsession and has to face the tragedy that started it.
(i don't want to tell you what happens because there are sections that are good and I don't want to ruin it for you if you decide to read it)


Not a favorite of mine.  I wanted to enjoy this story but it was just too depressing for me.  I do like how the author incorporated God's mercy and grace towards the end of the book but this plot just didn't grab me as a great read.

It's a story about the emotional risks of relationships and the power for revenge.

It's a story about suicide.  Tough subject.

I kept finding my self shouting to the Abby character "it's not your fault!!" 

It does bring out the theme of redemption through forgiveness which I loved.

In my opinion, this book is appropriate for ages 17 and older.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I rate this a 6.


Susanne said...

I'm sorry you didn't like it so much. I thought it was a powerful and emotional exploration into what a family member left behind face in their own emotions and mental battle after a loved one with mental illness commits suicide. But that is the beauty of books, being able to discuss a story with someone, to share opinions and thoughts and learn a new perspective and viewpoint. Seems to me we disagreed on another book too. :v)

Faith said...

Yup...I do like that the author touched on the subject of suicide and the anguish that Abby felt but it just got bogged down for me in the middle section. I did love Eli's character though :) and yeah....I had read a book that you didn't care for!! I'm sure we both read so many books that there will always be at least one of us won't like that the other one does :) Right now I'm reading one that I like because of the suspence but i DO NOT LIKE the imagery or some of the language. The author could definitely do without the violent scenes and bad language and the story would still work. I don't know why such good authors have to use trashy language/scene descriptions!!!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Sounds depressing. I usually know in the first few chapters whether or not I'm going to finish the book :)