"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 September 2013

I Pray

Claire on pointe (Jan 2012)

this ballerina girl of mine..........

................making my heart pray for her future, her dreams, her vision, her goals..........

.................the need to protect, to cherish, to love.........

and praying she grasps grace...........

..............and extends mercy where mercy is due and

 forgiveness even when she can't...........

and really knowing, really believing that her Father loves her even more than her daddy..............

is that possible?

I remember the birthing pains stabbing in the back, and the getting up in the wee hours of the dawn, looking for a hug, a blankie, a hug one more time....

the soccer ball in the backyard, the shouts of glee, the first time on a bike......

the first swim in the ocean, the first hike in the woods, the first flower pressed into my hand......the look of joy on her face in her first tutu and ballet slippers and the classes and shows............

and the twirling and swirling on the lawn, in the kitchen, in the basement, up the stairs and down the stairs and always on her toes keeping me on my toes......

and the 6 year old voice saying she prayed the prayer and accepted Jesus on that hot, summer vacation Bible school day.........

and I pause as I watch her on pointe now......... age 14 almost 15..........

and I pray.  I pray aloud and in silence, in my head and in my heart with my hands on her head and on her blanket at night tucked all around her...........

and i think of her big sister out at college and my heart really is full of my girls and the wonder of it all..........how I get to be their mom and try to raise them with God as their Rock...........I thank God for my 20 year old who knows Him and is starting to serve Him and be so independent and yet I still pray............

Courtney and Claire.  My girls.........turning into young ladies...........

and I pray.

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