"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

17 October 2013

Mid-October Faves

Wow....with the 3 day weekend this past week, the work week totally flew by!!

I just love autumn and this one has been a glorious one in all ways here in the eastern part of New York State.  We have had some near perfect weather and things are running smoothly at home, in the classroom, in Claire's school work and extracurricular activities, in Courtney's college work, and in my small group.  We are in a good routine even though we are busy and I love how God is helping me to find the blessings in each and every day.....won't you join me by linking up with Susanne over at Living to Tell the Story and sharing some of YOUR five favorite things from the past week??


Claire having fun
on the streets of Saratoga Springs
11 October 2013
  • POINTE FUN! Claire needed a new pair of pointe shoes. Again. Her 6th pair.....and because of that Saratoga Dance gave us $60 off the listed price!!! I love that perk!!  Then, she wanted pics of her self on pointe at the pointe shoe sculpture down the block from the dance store. So she stopped in the middle of the street where there was a bench to sit on, put on her OLD pointe shoes and decided to try some moves.  She couldn't stand well on the brick so she had to hold on for just about every position she tried. People were stopping their cars to watch! It was fun.  We then strolled on down the street after she put on her regular shoes, and snagged an outdoor table at the Circus Cafe where we had an early dinner and had so much fun people-watching.  It was such a fun evening!
First part of trail

Along the Trail in an open area

wide part of the trail

the Hudson River at its most remotest

At the base of the Blue Ledges at the Hudson River
Minerva, NY
Central ADKS

The Blue Ledges at the Hudson River Gorge

Blue Ledges
at the end of the Blue Ledges on the Hudson Trail
12 October 2013
  • REMOTE HIKE!  Last Saturday I met my long time friend from my hometown area in this place, and we went hiking into the remote woods of the central Adirondacks on the Blue Ledges on the Hudson Trail. This is where the Hudson River is its most remotest and downstream, the most wildest, due to rapids. It is also probably the cleanest part of the Hudson! Certainly cleaner than the area near the city of Troy and the port of Albany and down to NYC! I live across the river from Troy and let me tell you, the Hudson River is NOT pretty there!!  But this hike was awesome. It was probably the best trail  I've hiked all year and I've done a lot of hiking in 2013!  There was a member of Cheryl's hiking group with us so the 3 of us chatted, ate lunch on the rocks and explored the river area.  It was a 5 mile round trip hike and so worth the 90 minute drive north.  I loved the colors of the trees which were just past peak, and the way the sun was streaming behind the ledges which really do look blue. I took a lot of photos and will display them on here in a couple of days.  God has made us a beautiful world and here in the northeast we enjoy long days of many colors and people from all over the world come here in the autumn just to view the foliage and hike our mountains.  I love it!
photo courtesy of breathe cast christian post website
  • MY HOPE TRAINING!  Sunday afternoon, Dave and I took the "my hope" training class with our pastor and many other church members for the upcoming "last sermon of Billy Graham" and the Matthew Parties that are going on in November.  We aren't able to have one in our home on Billy's 95th birthday like many other people are doing so we are getting the DVD to show Dave's parents and other family members during the Thanksgiving holiday.  If you haven't heard about the My Hope campaign, head over here.  The training really inspired me to stop my fears of being a testimony and sharing my faith with Dave's unbelieving family.  We are praying that they will be receptive to this....will you help us pray for them?
photo courtesy of erie canalway website
  • DAY OFF WALK!  Monday was Columbus Day and here in NYS most of the schools had the day off as well as many other businesses.  My friend Carla and I decided to do a walk in a nature preserve which is in the town just to the north of us. Well, when we got to the parking lot just near this bridge pictured above, the security guy said we couldn't walk there due to Duck Hunting season!  We were perplexed! Who hunts in the suburbs?? But...apparently that town allows duck hunting for about a week in October so we had to travel down the road to walk the western edge of the preserve which isn't nearly as nice. But the walk was a good workout and we followed it up with some shopping at a local farm/cafe.  It was a great way to spend the afternoon while my husband was at work and Claire did her homework.  I love relaxing days with a good friend!

  • HUGS FROM SPECIAL CHILDREN!  One day this past week, during some time in the classroom with both special needs boys, the one with Downs Syndrome (whom I've known since birth) was being very affectionate.  This is unusual for him with other adults (he is very affectionate with his own aide but I don't get to work with him much) so his hugs, kisses and wanting to sit on a lap was just precious. I had to explain that he needed to stop kissing every one and only kiss mommy and daddy at home but that he could sit on my lap and give hugs to his friends.  Gotta love special children, especially first graders!!  It made for a great day and I love how the typically-developing children in the class make him and the other boy feel included. An integrated classroom is a wonderful thing!
It's promising to be a very busy weekend around our house....

.......whatever your plans are, I hope you find some time to be refreshed in the Word, recharged with a fun work-out and relaxed with a good book or whatever you enjoy for fun!!

Happy weekend!!


Monica said...

I enjoyed all the pictures you included! How beautiful the scenery. Your daughter is lovely too! My toes hurt just looking at those poses. :)

Melissa said...

Love the downtown photos of Claire. And the Blue Ledges are just gorgeous; thanks for sharing your pictures.

Praying right now that Dave's family will be receptive to the Word.

Have a great weekend!

Susanne said...

Love the pics of Claire en pointe with the sculptures. Looks like a wonderful day out.

Those blue rocks look gorgeous. What a great hike. So nice that the weather is holding out beautifully so that you can fit a few more of those in.

Strange that they allow duck hunting in that public area, whether it's closed off for the week or not.

Kathie said...

I'm very impressed by Claire on her pointes - I watched a ballet documentary and I know it takes a lot of hard work to become good at ballet. Well done Claire!

What a great hike - love the blue rocks.The terrain is very different from PEI but the foliage is very similar. I love this time of year!

I haven't heard of My Hope campaign - I'm going to check it out. And I'll be praying for Dave's family. I have 2 who are straying in my family too so I'd appreciate prayer for them - thanks Faithe.

Have a great weekend!

Ingrid said...

I can imagine that people stopped to see her, lol ! Very cute pictures. Your hiking photos are beautiful ! Real nice landscape. I am very lazy concerning hiking. I just walk around but not too long !

Barbara H. said...

I can't imagine how people can stand en pointe - it seems like it would hurt! The photos are cute, and great deal on the shoes.

I had not heard of that campaign.

I forgot all about Columbus Day when I did my FFF! My husband had to work but my son's community college took their fall break then and had M and T off. It was nice to sleep just a smidgen later.

Anonymous said...

Hi Faith! So nice to catch up with you. Such gorgeous autumn photos!

Thanks for asking about Marriage Monday. Although I had hoped to get going again this fall, I find that all our church "extra-curricular" activities are taking up a lot of time.

For instance, my husband and I are studying Revelation w/ a seminary prof on Monday nites. Also, we've joined a small group study in Colossians on Wed nites. ALSO, I'm taking a Jewish Roots class on Tuesday mornings as part of our church's women's ministry. All good--but that doesn't leave me much time to think about blogging at Chrysalis.

Here's my thought. Why don't you take up the challenge, and host Marriage Monday at this blog? You're well-prepared and a good leader, so why not? I'd be delighted to pass the Marriage Monday baton on to you. Please let me know if you decide to go forward with this idea.

As I've prayed and thought about blogging at Chrysalis, I realize I'm waiting for e-Dad to join in. We're now grandparents of two, and we've had some time to adjust to our empty-nest. As a way to pass on our experience, we do imagine blogging together on the topic of marriage and family ministry.

I think it may take more time (a year?) before we're ready to begin morphing Chrysalis into something new. Right now, e-Dad is learning "the ropes" with his own fledgling personal blog. Kind of fun!

Thanks again for inquiring...

Hugs and blessings,

e-Mom :~D

P.S. BTW, today is our 35th wedding anniversary. Whoohoo!

Faith said...

Hi E-mom!! Happy Anniversary!! that is great..what a testimony and congrats on the 2nd grandchild!! I am honored that you would ask me to lead Marriage Monday, but....as you can see from my blog here, I don't blog as consistently any longer....I do try to keep up some book reviews, the blessings (Fave Fives) that Susanne hosts, and an occasional devotional post or fitness/health posting as I'm totally into the whole fitness routine now that my back is healed. I would have to write MM on the weekends and I'm trying to not be on the computer so much on the weekends....so....with leading and teaching/prepping my own church small group (I have 8 moms this year!!) plus my hiking group and family duties (and my mom died last year, one year ago Thursday) so I try to get out to see Dad every couple months....plus working full time and still have the ballerina girl at home...well....I can't really take up MM at this time. But thank you for your kind words!!! I'll be looking forward to what God is going to do with you and e-dad!!! So good to hear from you!!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I wish I could stretch like that!!!!

I love autumn, glad you and mom were able to get together :)