"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

03 October 2014

First of October Faves

It's Friday....and I'm only working a half day because I have an appointment this afternoon and then we are taking off for the 125th Anniversary of this college's existence where our oldest girl attends. (Actually, the anniversary was yesterday, but the celebration will continue all weekend) It's also Parents Weekend and Homecoming out there so should be a fun time away.

For now, I'm looking back over the week and finding 5 fave moments that I like to call blessings God gave me......and joining other bloggers who do the same.....we link up at Susanne's, our gracious hostess.  How about joining us?

the trail along the ridge in the deep woods

the small scarmble up the ridge 

Bennett Lake

Middle Lake

Murphy Lake as seen from the Lean-to

  • HIKING!!  of course this makes my very first fave!  I hadn't hiked in the Adirondacks since early August......because I've been healing from fasciitis in my right foot since the beginning of July.  I went with a friend of mine from my hometown (we've been friends since we were in 2nd grade, in 1967!).  She just discovered hiking about 2 years ago and loves it as much as I do.  She had never done this particular trail (it is 7.2 miles round trip but we extended it and did about 8.3).  It is one of my fave hikes in the southern part of the Adirondacks.  It's in the Wilcox Lake Wilderness Region and is very remote.  Which makes for some challenges.  It is not a trail that attracts a lot of people.  The people who hike it are typically seasoned hikers.....we saw 2 couples, one with a young teen, and 2 groups of men.  2 of the men were spending the night at the lean-to.  It was my 9th time hiking this trail.  It has 3 lakes along the 3.6 mile route.  We explored each lake and took a couple of side trails to see some other sites...we actually got to cross a small stream ON a beaver dam.  In fact, if it had been spring, we wouldn't have been able to get across.  Oh what a perfect day....temps were in the low 70s and the sky was a glorious blue. The leaves are just about at peak up there so the colors were breathtaking. I hiked the entire trail WITH NO PAIN in my foot or low back.  Glory to God!!  I did  wrap my arch with the Rock Tape and it probably helped. What a blessing to be out in God's beautiful world doing a favorite sport.

  • RELAXING!  Sunday afternoon I had a couple of errands to do after church and when I was done, I had so much energy that I decided to mow the yard since my husband can't do it yet as he is still recuperating from his heart attack 3 weeks ago.  So I mowed, and then made a coffee and took my book outside and just relaxed for about an hour.  It was a huge blessing and pure bliss...the late afternoon sunshine, mild temps and colors of early autumn.  
front porch

Under the Cherry Tree
  • DECORATING!  I love the month of October, especially this year because here in eastern NY we are having very mild weather!  Sunny days almost constantly, warmer-than-usual temps (in the high 60s and low 70s which is perfect for hiking, biking and power walking) and cerulean blue skies. Yesterday morning was overcast and I thought it might rain, but it ended up being lovely.  I decorated the yard and front porch this past Sunday after finishing up some autumnal touches in the house.  Octobers in the great northeast are a huge blessing!!
photo courtesy of google images
  • SNACKING!  This new-to-me snack food....sunbutter made from sunflower seeds.  NO cholesterol, only 3 grams of sugar per serving, 4 grams of fiber, 7 grams of protein and NO transfats.  I dip fresh, local apple slices into it......and I've tried it on a piece of whole grain flaxseed bread and sugar free blueberry jam.  It is amazing!  A blessing to have a healthy snack option.

  • WALKING!  I've had 3 good walking workouts this past week....all after dinner......and all for over a mile and all less than 35 minutes!  I think with my foot starting to perform better, the power walking will be back to a mile in 20 minutes by the end of the month.  My personal goal is to walk 2 miles an evening......and even though 2 of those evenings  was in the dark, my neighborhood is relatively safe and quiet and almost everyone has their porch lights on.  Soon it will be too dark too early to walk so I am savoring these autumn evenings. It's a blessing to have at least 3 days to do some working out.
That wraps it up for me......

I hope you all have an enjoyable and restful weekend!


Monica said...

Love those hiking pictures! The colors are gorgeous! THank you for sharing your blessings this week!

Ingrid said...

Hiking ! I am already tired when I only hear this word, lol ! I rather prefer to relax in your yard !
The lake pictures are beautiful !

Barbara H. said...

I will have to look for that sunflower seed spread - we're both trying to watch our calories and find more healthy snacks. Was it in the regular grocery store?

Sl glad you're able to get your hiking and walking in and that your foot is doing so much better.

I got one fall decoration out and hope to do the rest next week.

Have fun with your girl at the college this weekend!

Karen said...

Your weekend sounds wonderful. I enjoyed your fall pictures! It's nice seeing the seasons in different parts of the country.

Susanne said...

That sounds like quite the hike. But what a reward. 3 lakes to enjoy and all that lovely scenery. So glad your foot is healing up and you could get that in before winter weather comes. After a crazy week last week weather-wise we've also been enjoying some really nice weather.

I've never heard of that sunflower spread but I do love apples dipped in peanut butter.

Willow said...

I want to do that hike some day!! It has been so long since we hiked. Either too busy or too hot lately. But I usually get a walk in; ours are about 2.5-3 miles depending on the route we walk in the neighborhood.
I'm glad you had the time to sit and relax in the sun. I hope Dave is continuing to gain strength and health.

Mia said...

What a beautiful hike!! Glad you got to enjoy it with a friend. :)

Sunflower seed butter and apple slices is my daughter's favorite hiking snack! So delicious and healthy to boot.

Hope you had a wonderful time visiting the school and seeing your girl :)

Mia said...

What a beautiful hike!! Glad you got to enjoy it with a friend. :)

Sunflower seed butter and apple slices is my daughter's favorite hiking snack! So delicious and healthy to boot.

Hope you had a wonderful time visiting the school and seeing your girl :)

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Sounds like you had a great week!! That Sunbutter sounds like it'd be good!!