"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

15 November 2014

Praise Post #15

I'm  joining Jerralea's Journey blog as we number gifts He's given us during the month of November.  Each day I'll be sharing five things that I am thankful for.  Doing that for 30 days will produce 150 things we are grateful for...and it's easy to find those gifts if we take a moment to look.  You are welcome to join in!  Just head over to Jeri's!

Things I'm thankful for today:

  1. Warm, fleece slippers
  2. Sunshine
  3. Good health
  4. Vitamins and supplements (I take Caltrate with D, E, Cranberry Extract, Turmeric (for keeping inflammation out of my joints and back), Flaxseed Oil with Omega 3-6-9, and Vitamin C).  I never want to take these supplements for granted. They really work!!
  5. Fresh Grapefruit.  My fave super food for the winter months.

What are you most thankful for today??


Melanie said...

Hi, Faithe, I just had a friend give me some tumeric for my pain. I hadn't started taking it yet. So glad to hear it's working for you and it gives me the motivation to start taking it too. I love grapefruit too. Have a blessed day.

Linda said...

It was sunny..now..it is light snowing!!! AGAIN (grinning)!!-I love grape fruit,and I have to take B12, and I love fleece slippers too. Blessings

Dianna said...

A lovely list today, Faith. I know what you are saying about not taking supplements for granted. Tumeric is one that I haven't tried...nor the cranberry extract. I'll have to check those both out.

Monica said...

for some strange reason I just got a craving for a glass of pink grapefruit juice! :)