"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

27 February 2015

End of February Faves

and Winter plods on........

but I'm looking every single moment for the blessings in these days..........and will share FIVE of these FAVES here. Please join in by linking up over at Susanne's or sharing one of your blessings in the comment section.


  • NEW CUT!  I've had short bobs, long bobs, stacked bobs, inverted bobs, asymetrical bobs.  Shoulder length, chin length and just under the ear length.  For the last 25 years!!  Once in a great while I've tried a short pixie cut (UGH...TOO short for me).  But I typically have worn my hair in some version of the classic French bob hair cut for the last 25 years.  In college, my hair was down the middle of my back. Well last Friday I decided to try a new salon in town which happens to be owned by the daughter of a co-worker.  I told her I wanted a change, with some of my thick, heavy hair (especially the bulk on the sides) taken off.  But a feminine look that angles to the side.  She was fantastic!!  I had shown her 3 images and she, being a master stylist, knew just what to do. I finally have a new haircut I LOVE.  And it only takes 3 minutes to blow dry (optional) and  2 minutes to put the styling cream through it.  Tousle, and I'm ready to go!!  I totally love it and the blessing is that the cost was only $34. Only $4 more than my regular girl who colors my hair!!

  • SUNDAY WORSHIP:  Our new Worship Arts Director at church is awesome.  He chooses a nice mix of contemporary hymns/songs, as well as classic hymns.  He opened the service with this one which happens to be from one of my fave groups.  What fun it was to sing this as a corporate body with about 1500 other voices lifted in praise and worship.  It's a blessing to have good music for church services!

  • SMOOTH START:  We went back to work/school on Monday and it was a nice smooth start to the week after having all last week off for Winter Recess. The students did well adjusting back into the routines and my own daughter has been great about still doing the salt water rinses and finishing the antibiotic for the wisdom teeth extraction.  She has had no problems so far and this afternoon we have the follow-up appointment.  I'm thanking God that it was a smooth week and that even my husband helped out a bit at home to make things smoother.
image courtesy of Target
  • NEW FLAVOR!  Oh.my.goodness.  I discovered this flavor at $tarbucks one day and then saw it was available in K-cups at our local discount store!  Whoo hoo!  PLUS it was on sale!  So I grabbed a box and it makes the perfect late- afternoon- cup -of- coffee- so- I- am- not- tempted -to have- cookies- o-r muffins kind of a snack.  Seriously, I have cut way back on refined sugar and dessert type foods so this flavored coffee is perfect for me!  I only need a small drop of skim milk in it and the cinnamon flavor is the best I've ever had in  coffee.  I've tried cinnamon in 2 other brands and I must say, this particular brand, in my opinion, is THE best. It's a blessing to have some time and a good cup of coffee in the afternoon to unwind.
  • NEW WRITING PAPER!  I love writing letters the old fashioned way.  In fact, my husband's second cousin's wife and I write letters back and forth all the time. And I have a couple of other long distance friends and relatives I write to.  I'm always looking for new stationary and one day last week I discovered the above writing paper!  A friend of ours creates her own notecards and writing paper and it is beautiful!  You can find her work here.  Her prices are very reasonable too and they ship quickly!  She and her husband were friends of Dave and I from our old church and we have watched her children grow up.  In fact, one of her daughters and my youngest daughter write letters back and forth!! She is also the person who first introduced me to  blogging!  You can find her blog here. It's a blessing to have new things that are created by friends.

That wraps up my week.......

weekend plans include a trip to the town library, a coffee date, a "stay home" date with the husband, church, and a short hike...and of course the never ending housework that didn't get done during the work week.

Whatever you have planned, take time for some restful moments.


Melanie said...

Faithe, I do like your new cut! I've always had a love/hate relationship with my hair. I'm glad you found this new stylist. I've be on the lookout for that coffee. Does it come in regular and not just K-cups? I use regular coffee with flavored creamer but I'd like to get away from the creamer. Have a great weekend.

Susanne said...

I think that haircut looks fantastic on you! I love the fact that you basically wash and go! Love For King & Country! I too am thankful for great worship leaders at our church. Yummy on the coffee, I do really like that flavor at Starbucks. I find when I'm cutting out sweats that a nice desserty flavor of tea or coffee really helps with that!

Unknown said...

The new haircut looks great! Would love to know what salon...we're in the same area and I need a much needed change as well. Hoping Spring arrives in our area soon...I am so over winter!

Kathie said...

A very cute cut!! and a great price!

I love writing paper too - especially nice thick paper. but unfortunately I don't make use of it very much. Good for you writing letters. you'll have them to read over and enjoy - which I don't think we'll do with emails.

sounds like you have a busy but fun weekend ahead. I'm speaking at a women's retreat and would really appreciate your prayers!

happy weekend!

Ingrid said...

I like your new "head" ! very nice cut ! I don't write letters anymore, the mail service is really snail mail !

Homemanager said...

Thanks so much Faith for not only purchasing writing paper from my shop, but also for being a long-time consistent friend. The Lord builds His people together in many ways all for His glory and praise! Concerning praise and worship, I recently read an article about praise and worship being a form of prayer. How powerful when we sing together, prayers to the Lord. It has made me step back and really evaluate what I'm "praying" when I sing. Have a lovely day, my friend!

Faith said...

Janet, the name of the salon is Blush. The stylist i recommend is Erin. please let me know if you see this msg :)

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair cut and color!!!!! Great look!!

Hmmmmmm that k cup coffee sounds great!! I'll try that one :)

Pretty writing paper!! Nothing like fresh pretty writing paper. I actually typed and sent out three letters last week!! I'm not great at actual handwriting but love pretty stationary and cards.

Have a happy weekend!!

ellen b said...

Faithe, that new haircut is sassy and cute. It really suits you well. Sounds like a nice weekend ahead for you...enjoy!

Barbara H. said...

There is only one person I get letters from any more, but I keep finding sweet note cards I like and have to resist buying them. I still love getting a handwritten note
or letter in the mail.

Nice haircut! I still need to figure out what to do with mine.

Jerralea said...

Love your new do! A new hairstyle really lifts the spirits, doesn't it?

Thanks for the suggestion of the Kcup. I'm trying to limit sugar, too, and had the same strategy in mind of using dessert flavored coffees and teas to take my mind off sweets.

Glad you had a good week and hope your weekend is even more awesome!

LivingforGod said...

Your new hair cut looks great! I just listened to that song (for the first time) not long before I came to your blog :).

Have a blessed weekend in the Lord!

nikkipolani said...

To find a stylist who "gets" you is terrific! Congrats on the new easy style.

I love love love the sound of that cinnamon dulce coffee. Yum! So nice, too, that you are all transitioned back to work and school nicely. It's a shame my office doesn't get the concept of "winter recess."

Unknown said...

Thanks, Faith! I will look them up.

Willow said...

Love your new haircut! What's best is how fast it styles.

Hurray for smooth weeks, too. Oh and coffee :)

Michelle said...

So glad you had a smooth week.
I have also just recently tried the new starbucks flavor. I do like it.
Have a blessed week.