"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

20 March 2015

First Day of Spring Faves

It's the first day of Spring!!

Finally!!  As I write this, the sun is shining (it's early Thursday evening...about 6:15 pm and dinner is cooking as I type up my five faves) and most of the snow is gone from our yards....we still have a bit in one section of the backyard where the sun doesn't reach very well....other than that, spring is starting to show up!

It's been a hectic week....and I'm going to share FIVE FAVES by linking up at Susanne's.....it is good to look back at the week and find the blessings among the  busyness.


  • BOOKS!  I love to read...it's a favorite past time, especially in the evenings as I really don't watch television unless Downton Abbey is on or Law and Order SVU isn't a rerun (like it's been for the last month or so!).  So this past week I had two evenings, before bed, to sit in my fave living room chair and just read!  I've picked up some really good books from the library and I'm also reading a very good Christian book about marriage. (see side bar).  I think books are a huge blessing!

image courtesy of taste of home website

  • NEW RECIPES:  The last 2 issues of Simple and Delicious magazine have had some very good vegetarian type recipes in them and this past week I prepared one of them for our dinner.  It's called Tomato Garlic Butter Beans and wow......super simple, quick and YUMMY!  I'll be posting the recipe later this weekend..feel free to copy it.  I love trying new recipes, especially easy ones for dinner! (the image pictured above shows the dish served over pasta....I chose to serve ours over jasmine rice).I think it's a blessing when I find recipes that don't involve using meat.

  • DRIVING!  I'm very excited that our 16 year old (Claire) is doing so well with her driving practice.  She's had 2 official lessons with the driving school instructor we hired, and she drove home from ballet class on Monday night......and I was relaxed while she drove!  The instructor told her that she has really gotten the hang of parallel parking and she's only done it with him twice.  She has also been on one of the major highways with the instructor and she said it wasn't too bad. We have the day off from school today so I'm going to let her practice on the Adirondack Northway when we drive north to Lake George....I think she's ready! It's a blessing to have practice time with her.

  •  COOKIES!  I had totally forgotten that I ordered two boxes of Thin Mints and one of Tagalongs from an ex-neighbor's little girl so when she delivered them to my door on Tuesday evening, I had to hide them! I told her it's because I don't eat sweets/desserts during the work week but that I would be putting a few into Claire's lunch bag for school.  It's a blessing to be this woman's friend.....we have different life styles but she used to live in my neighborhood and I always enjoyed chatting with her about the children, the husband's, etc.  We got caught up on each other's lives (she moved across town so I rarely see her) and I consider it a blessing to stay connected.....and to have some goodies to look forward to eating this weekend!

image courtesy of tripadvisor
  • CONFIRMATION!  We received the confirmation in the mail this week about the cottage we are renting on Cape Cod (in Chatham) this summer for our 25th anniversary trip.  I'm so excited and can't wait until later this spring when I begin to plan in more detail, what we will be doing/seeing.  And the cottage has 2 bedrooms so Claire will be joining us for the later part of the week when my in-laws drive her out.  It's a blessing to have something to look forward to and it's been a long time since we've been that far out on the Cape.

BONUS FAVE!  I never watch news shows late at night as I typically go to bed by 10:30 to wake up at 5:15.....but when I saw that 20/20 was doing a special with Julie Andrews about my absolute favorite musical (Sound of Music) and that they would be in Salzburg (on my bucket list!!), I had to stay up and watch.  And I LOVED every minute.  Oh what a great job they did in showing what Julie went through...all the little "secrets" behind the making of that musical movie.  I was sad that my teen couldn't see it (she was still doing homework) but I told her maybe we could find it online.  I love when news shows show something worthy.

That wraps up my week...not super exciting....

but sometimes that makes looking for the blessing a little more challenging!

Whatever you have planned for the weekend, enjoy it!  Treasure every special moment............



Paula said...

We have a new driver in our house, too, but I have to be honest and say that I get pretty nervous sitting next to her when she's behind the wheel, especially on our curvy mountain roads. She's doing a good job, though.

Books, getaways, and The Sound of Music are faves of mine, too. :)

Barbara H. said...

I meant to record that Sound of Music special and totally forgot about it. I do hope they show it again or have it online somewhere.

Books are a big fave - I could probably list them every week.

It was a long time before I could relax with any of my kids when they first started driving, but it is helpful in many ways when they can.

The cottage looks cute. It's neat you have it set and can look forward to time there.

Susanne said...

I recorded the Sound of Music special and have watched about half of it. Love, love, love that movie. It's hard to believe that Julie Andrews is 79 and the movie was done 50 years ago.

I was a basket case when my kids learned to drive. LOL. I let my husband go with them because he had nerves of steel and hardly reacted to things. They still tease me about applying false brakes and grabbing the dash board and car door.

I have been on a roll with reading lately too. I think it's because I'm using it as a destressor at this time in my life. Nice to escape into a story for awhile. I'm reading Francis Chan's "Crazy Love for my non-fiction right now and am really enjoying it so far.

Linda said...

The cottage looks nice. We are looking to spend part of the summer up at Seneca or Cayuga Lake. Blessings

Willow said...

If you want recipes with no meat, I'm your girl! Let me know!
That Francis Chan book looks interesting. I'm glad you can spend some time reading!

Susan said...

Yes, I attend a a church that is affiliated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. I am fortunate to work with and for such a denomination.

Frozen yogurt is a fave dessert of mine too. I don't have it too often though because that tends to spike my blood sugar. I never thought of limiting my consumption of sweets to the weekend. What a great way to exercise control. I let myself go off plan 2-3 times a week for either a meal or snack but only once in a day. Since I tend to eat out more or have more special events on the weekends, I might give your way a try.

Hurray for conformations. And congrats on 25 years. That is a marvelous accomplishment. Your anniversary trip on the Cape sounds awesome. Same day I hope to be able to go there as that is on my bucket list.

I didn't know about the Sound of Music special until the next day, but I was able to find some footage online of the interview with Julie Andrews. I am having a lovely time going down memory lane.