It was a hot and humid week here in eastern New York!
I'm thanking God for our home having central air conditioning because these nights have been downright sticky! But it's still better than winter weather in my opinion!
Let's take a moment, grab a fave iced beverage, and reflect back on the week looking for five of your fave moments. Then link up at Susanne's site.
Mine are all things that are local to my area of NY.....we got a lot done this all parts of our Capital Region area......some were spontaneous, others were planned, all were special and make my faves list!
The outdoor theater area of The Egg downtown Albany 14 August 2015 |
- MOM-DAUGHTER DATE NIGHT: Last Friday evening, Claire had a friend in a summer ballet company performance in downtown Albany. I took her to the show and it was performed outside under The Egg. It was only an hour long (a piece of "Mid-Summer Night's Dream") and it started to rain just as the performance was ending, but it was a lovely way to spend some time in the Capital with my own ballerina girl. I even took some photos as I realized after living in this area for over 25 years, we have never taken photos of the Empire Plaza!! Downtown Albany has some beautiful architecture that we just don't see up here in suburbia. Here are a couple photos for you to see:
view of The Capital/Legislative Building (my oldest daughter used to call it a castle :) ) |
Empire Plaza Albany |
- SUNDAY SERMON: Wow. Our pastor preached an amazing sermon last Sunday. I blew us away. It was about the 5 things we need to be doing for spiritual success. The sermon series for the summer has been "A Guide to the Good Life" and it has centered around our spiritual growth. The 5 points are: Hear the Word, Read the Word, Study the Word, Memorize the Word, and Meditate on the Word. He then recited a Scripture for every letter of the alphabet....called the Vitamin Nutrition(ex. are you empty? take Vitamin E "enter into His courts with praise...") I highly encourage you to listen/watch his sermon. It was very convicting to me. You can find it here. I am SO thankful for my church and our senior pastor.
- LOCAL BERRIES: fresh, local blueberries and raspberries for adding to my oatmeal, cold cereals, and yogurt in the morning. Sometimes I just grab a few as a snack, too. Love them and am so thankful for local farm stands and markets.
- SHOPPING TRIP: My daughters and I took the day Monday to go "back-to-school/work" shopping in the outlets just over the NY border in Massachusetts. We love shopping in MA as there is NO sales tax! And gas is cheaper so I fill the tank up when I get to the village there. Claire found some great deals and the above photo depicts what I bought. I had some great sale items! The skinny jeans in that dark grey are perfect for the dress code at work. I am allowed to wear "jeans" if they are not blue denim. Both tops will go with skirts and pants and that black skirt is replacing a very old skirt I just donated to Salvation Army. The scarf is a color I've been wanting and it was a very low price compared to the stores around my area. After we shopped we had lunch together at a fantastic wrap shop and then bought Dave something for work. I then had Claire practice driving home via the scenic route, over and down the Berkshire Mountains. (She already has experience with the MassPike and the NYS Thruway). She did very well and is ready for her road test later today!!
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Erie Canal Trailway/Mohawk River from the Bike Trails Colonie/Niskayuna, NY |
- PAUSE: I was running all over town on Wednesday doing some necessary errands when I decided to stop for a chicken salad sandwich and an iced coffee and eat my lunch with my book on a bench along the biking/hiking trails along the Mohawk River in town. Wow...did I need this pause in my day and from the looks of the trail and picnic tables, so did many other people. Most were men and women on their lunch break from work as indicated by their clothing. Most were sitting alone like me, just enjoying the beautiful breeze and scenery. That white speck in the background of the photo was a large boating vessal cruising down the canal. It was a beautiful, although humid, day but that river breeze felt great. I sat there for about an hour just reading and praying. I love those spontaneous moments! (and later that evening, I was right back there as my friend Anita called me to go walking and then we treated ourselves to fro yo at the new Greek place!) I love summer and am going to miss these pauses in my day once I am back in the classroom!
Those were the highlights of my week. How about you? What was a fave thing or moment from the past week??
Note: a couple of readers emailed me asking how I was feeling from the sinus/ear infection I've been on meds for. I'm fine now, thanks to strong antibiotics!
And for those of you who wanted a photo of me climbing that ladder on Crane Mountain:
photo courtesy of Cheryl A Blask Crane Mountain summit trail August 2015 |
Yes, Ma'am, been darn right sticky here in western NY as well, and I disagree (big smiles) I rather be cold than hot, LOL.
Thank you for sharing, I was digging out photos from when we lived in Hudson all those years ago and I found a photo of the Albany Capitol building and the Egg.
Have a beautiful day, friend.
What a nice week there, Faith... and especially the mother-daugther shopping! Living far from my Mom and sister, I miss them terribly and miss such outings with them... Glad you are feeling better. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
It's been sticky here in the southern tier of NY too -- so glad for a little change this morning!
I enjoyed seeing the variety of highlights in your week. We visited the capital plaza and museum on a homeschool field trip last year, and "castle" crossed my mind too!
What a nice blend of outings and pauses. Glad you scored some good finds for school and work clothes!
Raspberries are wonderful! As are good clothing finds!!!
You are one brave lady tackling that ladder!! Loved the little peak into your area. I love capital buildings. They are all so grand and beautiful. Good luck to Claire on her driver's exam!
Well, Faith, a little of everything in your week. I love it that you and your daughter have time together.
What a nice week. I am going to take some time to listen to that sermon a little later tonight! I can also wear "jeans" to work if they aren't blue denim (we can wear blue jeans on Fridays). I love the comfiness of jeans though and have bought several "skinny jeans" (although not TOO skinny ;-))in various colors for my back-to-school wardrobe this year. I have never been to Albany so had no idea what a nice city it is. One day though - I do hope to visit (when my sister and niece get their various domestic issues sorted out). Enjoy the week ahead and savor those last few days of summer.
Oh, no - that ladder climb is ridiculous! Did you have to go back down the same way?!!!
Thanks for sharing your pastor's sermon on "A Guide to the Good Life." I clicked on the link and will listen to it once I am done with responding to FFF's. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks slaos for the reminder about your recipes. I WILL be checking those out for this week.
Hurray that you had some spontaneous time to refresh. I hope there is more of that this week.
My town has a huge outlet mall so when I do have to shop for clothes, that's where I go.
Wow, that climb is crazy! Kuddos to you!
When I was in elementary school at a Christian school, my teacher had us memorize Scripture ABCs and I still remember many of those verses.
Your 'pause' is a good reminder for me this week!
That mother-daughter date sounds amazing! I really do need to get to a ballet some day before I die, lol. Never been to one!! Well the Nutcracker but that's it!
I miss a good Sunday sermon. Hopefully when Joe and I move out that way we can find a good, solid, Bible-based holy spirit filled church!!
I need to pause soon or I'll have a breakdown!!!
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