"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

20 November 2015

Simple Faves

Another week has flown by and in looking at my calendar, I'm beginning to wonder how I'm going to fit everything in for this upcoming holiday season.

Meanwhile, let's pause and find FIVE blessings from the week and link up with Susanne's site.


  • DECK DONE!  Last weekend was another mild weather weekend so we took advantage of it and cleaned up the deck for the coming winter season.  Dave and my oldest gal cleaned out the shed and rearranged things in there so that we could put the swing cushions inside, the bonfire pit in, and 2 of the 4 bikes.  He also helped me clean off the deck by folding up chairs, putting the decor away (other than one harvest plaque I still have hanging from the trellis) and put away all the empty planters.  Believe it or not, I still have some nice mums blooming, along with roses still on my rose bush!!  I'm thankful we got a lot done last Saturday.
Emma just after being immersed by her youth pastor
  • NIECE'S BAPTISM:  Sunday was my youngest sister's daughter's baptism.  Emma is turning 13 in March and decided to get baptized at her church. (it's about 45 minutes north of us) What a wonderful statement of faith and testimony she read in front of their congregation.  (there were several teens getting baptized when we were there visiting).  My sister and her husband were so happy and I was very thankful that my daughters were able to go with me to see their little cousin take this public step of faith.  It was just wonderful!
new cut and color!
  • NEW CUT!  Last weekend, my youngest daughter needed her hair cut a little bit and I decided to make my color touch-up for the same time.....and at the last minute decided I am NOT going to grow my hair back out to a long bob but rather, I wanted this asymmetrical short bob cut.  AND I LOVE IT!  It still needs to get a little longer on the right side as I'm still growing out old layers, but it's fresh and the color is a deeper brunette with some purple highlights (hard to tell in the pic).  I'm thankful for good cuts!

  • SPONTANEOUS DATE:  Last Sunday evening, the girls were both busy and I didn't feel like cooking, so Dave and I went out for a super spontaneous date.  Nothing fancy...just our local diner for a bison burger and sweet potato fries....it's the only place in town where I can find a decent burger that doesn't feature beef. I rarely eat burgers so this was a super special treat. Dave had some kind of seafood dish that he said was yummy.  We had a good time...I'm thankful we can do stuff like this once in awhile!

  • REAL MAIL!  This past week, I received a real letter in the mail!  It was from one of Dave's cousins......we are close and she is a Christian.....and it was just great to hear from her.  We have plans to go visit her for a couple of days in the spring (she lives near Hershey, PA) when we take our youngest to Philadelphia to look at this college.  I'm thankful we both like to write letters and stay in touch this way......it's fun!
Those are just some simple things....but it made the week special.

What were your faves this week? Please share one!

Happy weekend!!


Ann said...

Wonderful that you could get your deck done. We are in the process of putting in a patio with a fire pit, but we have a long way to go. Also it's wonderful that you could see your niece take that next step in her Christian life.

Susanne said...

I love spontaneous dates! We've pretty much winter prepped the outside except for one pile of leaves that always builds up in the flower bed by the driveway. So that is on my to do list this weekend. Baptisms are a great time for celebration! Love that picture of you. Brave girl getting purple highlights. The only "real" mail I get is bills. :/

Ingrid said...

We still have to clean the terrace for the winter ! Your new cut suits you very well !

Jerralea said...

Love the new do, Faithe! It suits you so well.

Public confessions and acts of faith are so touching! What a wonderful thing that you could be a part of your niece's special day.

Barbara H. said...

How neat to get an actual letter! Glad you got to go on a spontaneous date and got lots done last weekend. It's awesome that your niece took a step of faith in public to get baptized and that your family could be there to see it.

nikkipolani said...

Simple is so often the sweetest. How fun that you are trying out (and loving) your new cut! I know that feeling of accomplishment and it is a great one. Also nice that you got some help with the deck clearing.