"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

05 May 2017

First of May Faves


We are well into spring and a new month already...I don't know about you but I need life to slow down for  a while.  I'm taking a coffee break from housework since I just  got home from work, and reflecting back on the week and all the special blessings that make my "favorites" list.  I'm starting this on Wednesday late afternoon because the next two days are busy, busy!!  Linking up with Susanne's site is a great way to share the blessings God brought, and to see what other participants  weeks were like. 

 How about sharing one thing that
 was special to you this week?  You can do so in the comment section at the end of the post.

En Pointe in the Park

one of many sculptures throughout this National Historic Landmark Park

difficult ballet pose in the park

  • EARLY EVENING MOM-DAUGHTER DATE:  Claire needed to dash to Saratoga last Friday after school to pick up her two pairs of new pointe shoes for the upcoming annual Ballet show.  After we did this errand, she wanted to go to Congress Park and put on her old pointe shoes to pose for park photos. This seems to be "a thing" with some of the local ballerinas.  So we did that, walked around one section of the park we rarely visit and then went to buy some subs for dinner and took them to the State Park outside of the city. The weather was glorious!  Very warm and sunny. What a fun evening it was with my girl.....I'm treasuring every minute of the end of her senior year.

Loon Lake, Central Adirondack Mts
as seen from the summit of Stewart Mt

On the summit of Kipp Mt

on the trail to Palmer Pond

    Loon Lake from summit of Stewart Mt

    Trillium, an endangered wildflower in the Adirondack Mts
    the flower was just out....if you look closely you can see the dark purple bud.
    • HIKING!  FINALLY!  I finally had a free Saturday with somewhat decent weather (cloudy but warm) to get up to the central Adirondack Mountains and do some hiking. My friends from church (Scot and Diane) offered to drive and we met my other friend Cheryl there.  We  decided to hike trails we've never done before.  We did 3 out of the 8 required trails for the Chester Challenge.  This is a challenge of VERY EASY pond and mountain trails.  Both mountains were less than 2000 feet in elevation although Stewart Mt was quite steep at the very beginning.  And the trail to Palmer Pond was more like a walk on an old logging road.  We took lots of pictures.  Here are a few of my faves. I'm so thankful we had the day to hike!

    • GOOD REPORT:  Last week I got the results of my yearly blood work.  Everything is within normal limits, including the Vitamin D and my overall cholesterol went down!  My "bad" cholesterol went down by 11 points although I still want it to go down 11 more to fall within the better limits.  And my "good" cholesterol went up by 8 points so is now in a good spot although personally I would like to see it raised by another 10 points.  And my triglycerides, although not high last year, went down more and are well below the cut off mark.  This makes me so thankful because so many people I know have to be on a statin to lower theirs.  I've chosen to change foods, add foods, and do more cardio workouts to keep it at bay.  I love getting a good report!

    • CHERRY BLOSSOMS!  Our cherry trees have really bloomed this week, too. I just love the bright pink.  And in the tree closest to the road, I spied a mother mourning dove sitting on her nest.  Soon there will be baby birds chirping away. This pic was taken on a cloudy day so the colors aren't all that vibrant.  I'm thankful for all spring color!

    • CHECK!  I love getting things checked off my "to do" list and let me tell ya, this month and next we have a LOT on our list.  I forgot just how busy the end of the senior year is for a teenager. And she's an active one.....between clubs, youth group, Prom, AP exam, regular exams, another upcoming visit to UNH to set up her schedule, extra ballet rehearsals on the weekends to practice for the upcoming Dance Show, (because during the week they still have their 3 classes), and shopping for her dorm room, the list is getting longer and longer.  I was able to knock off 3 important things this week after work and I'm super thankful those things are done!!

    That wraps up my week......I hope you all have a restful weekend doing the things that bring a smile to your face and peace in your heart.


    Barbara H. said...

    The day in the park with Claire sounds so fun! Love her ballet poses there. Glad you finally got to hike! And congratulations on your good reports! The cherry blossoms are so pretty. Oh, I remember those end-of-senior-years. So much to do. Glad you got some things checked off this week.

    Deb J. in Utah said...

    Such fun pictures of your ballerina! I love them. Good job on getting and staying healthy. You are a great example. That looks like a great hike. I want to do more hiking, but it is already 108 here, so the extreme heat of summer seems to be here in early May. Hope you have a great weekend!