"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

05 April 2018

2018 Book Review #12: A Year in the Wilderness

Every once in awhile, I find a non-spiritual non-fiction book that pulls me in.

This was one of them!

The married couple spent one year in the northern waters/wilderness of Minnesota to bring awareness to people about the wilderness land and to help Congress see that putting in mines up there would be a bad thing.

You can read about the political side of things by going to www.savetheboundarywaters.org

They chronicled their year with blog posts and photos.  The book is full of beautiful photos taken through out their year in the Boundary Waters.

I didn't know much about Minnesota and the northern area until I read this book.

It looks beautiful and I now have it on my bucket list of places to visit and/or kayak/hike in.

I highly recommend this book if you are a nature lover or just want to learn about an area of the USA that is remote, full of beauty and that exemplifies God's creation.

This book is appropriate for ages 12 and older.

On a scale of 1-10, I rate this a 10.

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