"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

20 April 2018

Mid-April Faves

Well, here it is mid-April and Friday already!

This week flew by and it was crazy busy.

I'm pausing to share 5 of the many blessings God brought into my week and then linking up at Susanne's site with other bloggers.  Won't you leave a comment and share a blessing from your week?

  • CAR SHOPPING:  usually this isn't a fave with me, but I have a set amount of money saved for a used car.  My last car, a Nissan Sentra, was bought brand new in 2007.  However, with one child in college and one who might need our help financially, we decided to get a 2015.  I test drove a sweet Honda Civic only to find out it was about 2500$ over what I wanted to spend.  So then, after the salesman was wheeling and dealing trying to find me another Civic, a woman walked in to trade in her leased 2015 for a brand new one.  We were in the right place at the right time...can you say, God's blessing??  Because the Civic she brought in only has 8800 miles on it!!  And it's already 3 years old!  I put a deposit down, went back Monday evening to test drive it,  and was offered it for exactly what I had saved!!  I'm so thankful Dave and I took the time last Saturday morning to do this.  I'll have a picture of it next week.

  •  LUNCH DATE: after we put a deposit down on the car, we decided rather spontaneously to do a lunch date at an old local fave.......this place.  I can't believe I had junk food for lunch but it was so fun and actually pretty tasty. (well, the chicken was...not the fries....)It was COLD out so we sat in the car and ate even though many people were brave and sat at the picnic tables.  The part that's a blessing to me, is that Dave and I really did need to spend some time together just having fun and talking.  It had been a stressful week leading up to this point for both of us regarding our oldest daughter's job ending so we really needed this time to unwind.

  • COFFEE!  in bed.  Sunday morning.  brought by Dave.  Because it was cold and early and I was able to read and sip hot coffee.  There's nothing like it!

  • SUNDAY SERMON: "For the Christian, the worst things are never the last things. // Faith is the belief that God will do what is right ultimately." ~ Pastor Rex Keener~  Our pastor said this during his sermon Sunday and it just really made me sit up and think.  And marvel at how every time he preaches, I learn something new or have something new to chew on through out the week. How much truth there is in that statement.  The worse things are NEVER the last things because for those of us who are Believers, we know who wins in the end! 

  • SUNSHINE:  it's been a dark, dreary, rainy and cold week.  Some places to the north and west of us even had snow again!  But some days, the sun came out to give us a little glimpse.....not for long, and certainly not with any warmth compared to this time last year....but it was SUN! I'm thankful for it and long for it to be sunny all day long.....maybe by tomorrow!

That wraps up my faves.....I only have one photo to share with you that I posted on Facebook after creating the Scripture for it after a devotional one morning.

An important Scripture for me to remember!!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


Karen said...

Congratulations on your new car!

Coffee, sunshine -- those were two of my favorites this week, too!

Enjoy your weekend, Faith.

Ingrid said...

Congratulations to the new car, that was really a bargain ! Besides the weather you had a nice week !

Wendy said...

Glad you got the deal you wanted for the car and time to spend with Dave. Sometimes we're so busy it's hard to find a few minutes for ourselves but it's important that we do. Hope you get better weather soon.

Barbara H. said...

So neat to hear how God provided for your car! And how nice to top it off with an impromptu lunch date. It's a blessing to have a preacher who faithfully shares God's Word through whom He can work to speak to our hearts. We're still having back and forth weather, but it's so nice when the sun does shine.

Willow said...

Perfect timing for that car! We have a Honda Civic (older year) and we love it.
I love both the quote from your pastor and the verses from Isaiah. Re: the quote--my husband will say, "The one thing I know is that God bats last."

Susanne said...

Congrats on the new car! I love the whole "God-incidence" story surrounding it. Those spontaneous dates are the best. Love the quote from your pastor, a really encouraging word. Sorry Courtney's job ended, praying she lands an even better one!