What a great week!
Nothing spectacular happened but it was a gorgeous week, weather-wise. Not too hot, a nice chill in the air at night, for sleeping with the windows open...in fact, a couple of mornings we woke up to temps that had dipped into the low 50's. I'm loving this spring and just think! Only two more weeks until summer! For now, let's pause and reflect on FIVE things that made us smile this week and then link up at Susanne's to join in!
- REIMBURSEMENT CHECK! I received the deductible reimbursement check from the insurance company this past week. We have MetLife and I cannot begin to tell you how awesome they are. They went after the driver (of the car that hit me) and her insurance company and got my reimbursement in record time. That is a huge blessing because friends of mine who've been in accidents where it wasn't their fault, said it took months for them to be reimbursed. I received my check exactly 3 weeks and 6 days after the young girl hit me! Glory to God!
- HIGH HONORS LIST! We received Claire's first year grades from UNH. She made the High Honors list with her GPA. We are proud of her hard work and that she was able to hold down 2 majors and a minor as well as volunteering in numerous campus events, joining the CRU organization, and becoming a member of the UNH Ballet Company. Our hearts are full of praises to God for this past year!
- CONVICTING SERMON Dave and I did a LOT of errands, housework, and some yard work last Saturday but we couldn't get the grass mowed due to it being so wet from a rainstorm the previous day. So we went to the 5 pm church service instead and wow....what a sermon! Our pastor has been going through the book of Luke since the beginning of the calendar year and last weekend he preached on what Jesus had to say about money. It convicted me because I was moaning about how I wished we had extra money for a landscaper, and new trees, and new outdoor furniture, etc etc. And then part of the sermon was about how we can have nice things but the more important things are the eternal things. We cannot take our money or things with us when we leave for Heaven. It made me realize that even though our yard has wildflowers growing in it as we refuse to put chemicals on it, we are enjoying His creation! We don't have the latest outdoor furniture but we enjoy time together and with friends on our deck and relaxing in the yard. Who cares if we don't have a landscaper? We are blessed and we have moments that are priceless. There was more but you get the gist of it. I'm thankful for a pastor who preaches the Word of God and always teaches me something new.
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Claire on Dave's kayak leading me to the quiet end of the lake |
- MORNING KAYAK AND BEACH TIME: Claire and I woke up to overcast skies but we decided to go kayaking anyways. We paddled for about an hour and then the sun came out so we sat on the beach and read books and got some much needed Vitamin D. After about 45 minutes of that, we decided we needed some lunch so we went to the vegan cafe in this town. One of our very fave towns in all of NYS. We had so much fun people watching, eating amazing food and drinking ice cold smoothies. It was a great way to spend a Sabbath. I'm thankful for time in nature, too.
- FINALLY! I first learned of vegan mayo when in Italy last summer but alas.....we came home to NYS and could not find it ANYWHERE! Then I found out this brand has it....but again...I searched all winter long at all 3 major grocery stores in our town, at Wh*le Foods, Trader J*e's and at The Fr*sh Market. Could not find it. Finally found it in T*rget of all places and it was cheaper than the regular mayo. I've enjoyed it on basil, cheddar, tomato sandwiches and in pasta salad. (I'm not 100% vegan as I still like an occasional grilled chicken piece, eggs, and cheese). This weekend I plan on trying potato salad with it. It's creamy and the non-vegan members of the family had no idea it wasn't regular mayo. WIN! (although my oldest gal still prefers Bacon Ranch dressing on her pasta salad :) )
That wraps up my week.
We have a high school grad party to attend for the daughter of some very old friends of ours whom we go to church with, and we are starting to prep the deck for the long-awaited paint job!
Whatever your plans are, enjoy every moment!
That's great that the check came in so quickly. Nothing more frustrating than waiting on reimbursement stuff. Love when the messages at church speak exactly to where we are at. Sometimes it not necessarily something new but something we need to be reminded of. Your day with your daughter sounds wonderful. So relaxing.
Wow, that's great about the reimbursement check coming so quickly! Congratulations to Claire! Your kayak and beach time sounds great and relaxing. Sounds like a great message. It seems like we always want more, but we have so much already.
It sounds like you've had a pretty busy week. Lots of yard work. I love when there is a really powerful sermon! Congratulations to your daughter. That is a lot of hard work that paid off.
Well that's a good list. Well done to Claire. Sounds like you have every right to be proud! It's good when we can take a step back and realise that what we have is ok. We don't always need to be striving for more, especially materially. Enjoy your weekend.
This sounds like a pretty spectacular week to me! A check in the mail, time on the water, a talented daughter, and a good message. I'm glad for you that your week was a good one. Congrats to your daughter!
It sounds like a very blessed week for you!
Congrats to Claire for working hard and earning those top grades! That's dedication and hard work.
Hmmmm, I'll have to check out the vegan mayo. Thanks for the heads up!
That sermon sounds like a great one for us all to remember.
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