"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 December 2018

The HOPE of Christmas

I've been listening to this song tonight while sitting by the glowing Christmas tree in the living room. The candles in the window are shining softly to dispel the darkness of the night. Neighbors' lights  glow and there's a peace that has settled in..........maybe this start of the Advent season won't be so rushed this year......my mind feels more at ease and my body is rested.

This morning we lit the  Advent candle of Hope...first Sunday........our church sang songs with the word "hope" in them and we sang the Christmas carol "Joy to the World".  But this song is the one I'm listening to this evening:

I'm also reflecting on Jeremiah 17: 7-8----

and this morning, in the Advent devotional I'm reading this month, the author used Ephesians 2:10 as the basis for the reading:

Most Bible translations use the word "handiwork" or "masterpiece" but this author used the word "accomplishment".  He was making a point that we often have so much to do in December, wanting to accomplish so much, but we don't often stop to think about being God's accomplishment.  He went on to write:

"We are God's accomplishment, created in Christ Jesus to do good things.  God planned for these good things to be the way we live our lives". (taken from Wow, God devotional on Advent)

My thoughts were, as Advent begins, we often have a long "to do" list,  especially those of us who tend to be a bit "OCD" or have that perfectionism thing going on.  The month leading up to Christmas can be so demanding.  Work obligations and parties, home life and managing to keep up on the housework, the shopping, the baking,  concerts, events, church, neighborhood events,  and some of us have birthday celebrations this month. It can be a long "to do" list!  And with that, comes stress.  With stress, we miss out on peace. 

However, do we ever stop to think that God might have a "to do" list for us?  No, we aren't saved by our good works.  Salvation doesn't come to us because we keep the 10 commandments, or say prayers, or attend church, or bless the poor.  It doesn't come if we give all of our money to the non profit agencies.  We don't earn salvation!  It's a free gift....Jesus is that Gift.  He's our Hope of Glory.

But we do have things to do for God.  He does have plans and purposes for our lives. One of those things is to spread the Good News of His birth, His death on the cross, and His resurrection.  And when we do, we reap the blessings of following His purposes! 

When we place our hope in God, and do what He has planned for us, we will be like that tree planted in the river.....our roots will spread outward and we will see the blessings.

And we are God's accomplishment!  He made us.....He cares for each one of us and wants us to do great things for Him.  The Hope of Glory is Jesus.  God's greatest gift to us.

And that brings Hope to our hearts.  

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