"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 January 2020

Busy Week Faves

What a busy week!  I'm thankful it's Friday and I'm so ready for the weekend.

While I'm waiting for the weekend to officially begin, I'm sharing FIVE of my FAVE blessings from the week.....they're just little things this time around...but they're things I'm thankful for.

I do this with other like-minded bloggers and we all link up over at Susanne's site. Go and check it out and then let me know what made you smile this week!


  • THROAT LOZENGES: At the end of last week, I left work early so I could go into my urgent care doc and get a strep test done. My throat was so sore!  The test was negative and within 48 hours the throat pain was gone with just a dry cough.  I used the above throat lozenges because it has the same medication in them that another doc had given me last year as a "throat cocktail".  It literally takes the pain away within an hour.  Thankfully, I only needed a day of these every few hours. I'm thankful for over the counter meds that work!

  • READING AND REST!  Over the long weekend (due to Martin Luther King, Jr day and no work), I rested a lot in my fave chair or on the family room couch and read a book, worked on my Bible study and watched a movie with my husband.  The reading and rest were things I'm most grateful for. I really needed that.  

  • PRAYER WITH SPIRITUAL MENTOR:  On Wednesday afternoon after work, I was feeling a bit frazzled and anxious about an upcoming medical appointment my husband has.  (please pray for him if you are so inclined..I can't go into details but he does need some prayer) I texted my spiritual mentor/friend Monica and asked if she was free to chat. She called me right away and we prayed together over the phone after I filled her in on what was going on.  I'm so thankful for my close friend and sister in Christ and that she is also one of my two spiritual mentors.  There's nothing like the power of prayer!

  • TEXT FROM DAUGHTER:  I received a text from Claire telling me she was all settled into her new dorm room.  That part of NH received 7 inches of snow Saturday evening so she had to shovel out her car at her friend's apartment before moving everything over to her dorm. Thankfully, her new room is on the same floor as her last semester room and her roomie who also has a single now is on the same floor so they can still see each other.  She says she's very busy but doing well.  Sadly, I deleted the picture she sent me of her new room.  I'm thankful the move went well!

  • BLONDE COFFEE:  I usually order a latte or cappuccino at St*rbucks but for some reason I was craving the  blonde Americano.  I had it with coconut milk and it was just perfect for sipping while grocery shopping after work yesterday. That burst of espresso and energy was just what I needed to get myself on the treadmill after errands and chores before dinner. My neck and shoulder are still in pain about 50% of the day so my work-outs are fairly short these days. But even 15 minutes of power walking and running on the treadmill are good.  I'm thankful I don't have to schlep out to a gym!
That wraps up my faves for the week.

Just little things in a very busy week.

I hope you all have a wonderfully relaxing weekend!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Will keep your husband in prayer for a good outcome with the medical issues. Glad your throat is feeling better and that your daughter is safe at school and ready for the new semester. Have a wonderful weekend. Take some time to rest and relax. Hugs from UT.

Barbara Harper said...

I'm so glad you didn't have strep and your throat is better. Rest is what always helps me most when I am sick. Glad you were able to do that and had an extra day off. I'm praying for God's will in your husband's medical situation. I'm glad you were able to text and pray with a friend. It's good Claire is settled in nicely to her new room.

Wendy said...

I'm glad your throat improved so quickly but sorry to hear you are still in pain with your neck and shoulder. Good that you had an extended weekend to rest. I also hope your husband's situation improves too.

Glad your daughter is settling in and doing well. Enjoy your weekend.

Susanne said...

That Cepacol is good stuff. Praying for your hubby. It is really a huge blessing to be able to phone a friend when we are upset or frazzled about a matter and have them lift it up to the Lord with us. Glad Claire is all settle in. Now I'm craving a St*rbucks.

Willow said...

I feel you on the sore throat. My cold has mostly gone away, so only the sore throat is left. I'm glad you had the long weekend to recover.

I will certainly be praying for your husband's appt and also for peace for you.