"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

17 March 2020

Sunday's Coming!

Many years ago, the amazing pastor Tony Campolo had a sermon describing all the things that happened on what we know of as Good Friday (the day Jesus Christ was crucified).  He would make a statement like this: "It's Friday...the disciples are running around like sheep without a shepherd.  But it's only Friday;  Sunday's coming!"  or this one "It's Friday....and Pilate's strutting around washing his hands cause he thinks he's got all the power and victory.  But it's only Friday; Sunday's coming!"

and here we are in 2020 and freaking out about the hand washing, the panic, the running around like lost sheep.....all of this today with the current pandemic situation......

and yet....

we are in the midst of the Easter season, folks! (known as Lent to some)

Let's not forget that!  We serve a LIVING God.  A Savior who was crucified for us.  Yet He rose again just like He said He would! It's why we celebrate Easter (Resurrection) Sunday!

I confess, I have watched way too much information on the news that comes automatically to my iPhone each morning....each hour actually...and definitely seen way too much on social media.  I haven't given much thought to Easter and the time leading up to it, other than a devotional I'm doing with two other ladies online.  

Until this morning.

I'm at home because where I teach had to shut down.  We are at home until at least March 27th.  My youngest girl cannot come home here to NY for her Spring Break this week due to being in NH and UNH guidelines.  My husband has to work from home.  I'm home and going a bit stir crazy already and it's only day 1.  My oldest is at work but things are slow and if she is asked to go home she will not get paid.  And she's paying off large amounts of federal loan from college. Times seem uncertain.

Yet it dawned on me that as Believers, we know Sunday's coming!

We have a Savior who is not surprised by this virus.

We have a living God who knows the end of this.  And we can trust Him.

When we focus our minds and hearts on the Lord, He will grant us peace.

We can have hope that He knows the beginning from the end.  He's got this!

 By putting our trust in God, we can have inner joy and that peace that passes all understanding.

Yes the virus is very real.  Yes, the media hype is probably somewhat sensationalized (it's how they sell newspapers, magazines, etc).  Yes, it is up to us how we are going to respond to it, as Believers.  We have the opportunity to represent Jesus well.  We can be bold and offer to pray with people and during a crisis, people are more likely to respond positively to that offer.

Getting to know God....is how we learn to trust Him.

May we focus on what this season really is all about.  Spring is almost here (technically in two days).  This means new life, new growth, new hopes and dreams. 

It's a promise from the very living Word of God.

We can face tomorrow because He Lives!  That death He died on that cross....that wasn't permanent.....He arose!!

and He is Alive!

That is good news.

Cling to that as we move forward into the unknown......and remember....Sunday's coming!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Amen. Thank you, Faith for these words of hope and peace. :-)

Wendy said...

We are about to be more restricted and it does feel strange. We're being advised to stay away from our families and things will clearly get worse before they get better but yes Sunday is coming but time will feel extended.

Faith said...

Wendy that's a spirit of fear!! ( your statement that things will get worse before better. It's pretty bad now but our God is BIGGER and let's rebuke that spirit of fear!!! In Jesus name!!

Susanne said...

Thanks for the encouraging post, Faith! I love that well-known sermon.