The title and cover art of this book first attracted me, and then I noticed the author's name and I love her books! I've read Before We Were Yours and loved it. So when I saw this on my sister's bookshelf she said I could borrow it. What an excellent book.
Jenilee Lane is only 21 years old but she's been responsible for her little brother Nate (age 16) ever since their older brother Drew left home to join the army, meet a woman named Darla who is a social worker, and have two children (Amber and Alex). Their Mama died of cancer a few years before Drew left home, and their Daddy has been a hard and heavy drinker for as long as they can remember and also physically and emotionally abusive. Jenilee manages the entire household.
One day a devastating tornado rips through most of Missouri (they live in Poetry, about an hour from Springfield) and it pretty much wipes out most of the houses in the farmland where the Lanes live. Their house remains intact but the home of Mrs Gibson the judgmental old lady who lives down Good Hope Road not far from Jenilee is all torn up. Life has completely changed in the twinkling of an eye.
Something tells Jenilee she should go check on Eudora Gibson and she discovers Mrs Gibson and her granddaughter Lacy (age 5) alone in the tornado cellar. They are trapped! Jenilee gets her daddy's old tractor and pulls out the boards that are trapping Lacy and Mrs Gibson. She then makes her way to town where many of the townspeople have gathered: the only building still standing! Jenilee begins to take action in picking up all the fragments of peoples' lives that are lying about in the dust. She finds photos, including a newborn baby photo, some very old love letters, and other mementos that people might be looking for. She brings them all to the Armory where everyone has gathered including an out of town doctor, (Dr Albright) who is helping the town vet (Dr Howard) bandage and attend to the wounded. Jenilee begins to help one of her former high school classmates whom people used to bully because of his size. His name is Caleb. Dr Howard knows she has a gift for helping wounded animals as Jenilee works with him sometimes. Jenilee has never gone to college because she has no money and needs to care for Nate. However, she gets the attention of Dr Albright, and he begins to think he just might be able to help Jenilee go into medicine.
Nate and Daddy are still not back from a cattle sale in Kansas City so she begins to ask various people if they've seen her family. No one has.
Then a couple days after the tornado, Drew appears in her life again and says Daddy and Nate are in the hospital in Springfield. Their truck flipped over and landed in a ditch during the tornado. Nate's entire leg is broken and in a full length cast and Daddy is in the ICU where he isn't expected to live.
Jenilee steps up to the challenge of helping people and shows Eudora that she has a bravery to her that Eudora never suspected. Because of Jenilee, Eudora is inspired to look at her own past which holds a lot of bitterness, guilt and anger towards the town drunk, June Jaans. Eudora blames him for her younger sister Ivy's death.
Eudora and Jenilee develop a special bond and friendship which is brought on by this tornado tragedy and both women will learn some valuable lessons about the human spirit, and community ties that strengthens people. They will learn that their dreams do come true.
This is a wonderfully light read although the topic is heavy. The story deals with family dysfuntion, emotional/physical abuse, alcohol addictions, poverty, judgementalism and bullying, and faith. Forgiveness plays a huge role in this book.
There's a lightness to the story that seems to be fueled by faith, hope, and love. There's also a bit of humor in some of the characters which is a nice touch for a deep topic.
I liked many quotes from the book and some of the story reminded me of how life is right now here in the US due to this pandemic.
The character development is phenomenal as is the setting and a couple of plot twists.
I love how Darla and Drew worked out their difficulties and remained a family unit. I don't want to share too much about Daddy and Nate as I don't want to spoil the story for you.
I feel in love with Jenilee. Her character is resiliant and she has a pure heart and a very honest one. Facing her fears and hopes was so refreshing to read about.
Here are a few favorite quotes:
"Every living creature needs to hear the beating of another heart once in a while....nothing God made on this earth is meant to go on its way alone." (pg 72 Good Hope Road by Lisa Wingate, c. 2003)
"Except God don't create accidents. We only think there are accidents because we don't know what God has in mind." (pg 115 Good Hope Road by Lisa Wingate, c. 2003)
"I prayed that we, like the town, would emerge newer. Stronger. I imagined what the future might be. Poetry, built again, block by block, rising slowly from the earth, a testament to the will of its people. Proof that the best things in our lives rise from the ashes of the worst." (pg 275 Good Hope Road by Lisa Wingate, c. 2003)
In my opinion, this book is appropriate for ages 14 and older.
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I rate this a 10.
1 comment:
It sounds like my kind of story. I've put it on my library list for when they reopen.
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