"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

13 December 2020

The Whisper


A gentle breeze stirring

A gentle breeze, healing.

a heart placed perfectly in my path to remind me of just Who loves me;  that healing wind blowing through the deadened nature all around me yet showing me there is still  life............

My body in pain for the last 2 weeks.....

pushing through on my daily walks......

and that Whisper "Sciatica"


from the Source of Life and the Creator of my body...........

.....and the healing hands of my chiropractor...........pain easing up....and walks outside are a joy again.........

and fears and thoughts of "what is this" dissipate under her hands...

and under His Hands............

and the sun shining down from the Son

bringing healing light..............

Friends calling and texting to encourage and pray and think healing thoughts on my behalf.

And that Whisper from the One who made us all......

" I see you.  I love you. I will heal you once again, just believe and lean into my breath, my Wind, my creation.............

and there is life among the dead weeds.....spots of color and beauty all around and like my wind blows through those weeds so too does my Wind blow through you.........

bringing new life and health to your bones." 

 Friends: after 2 ultrasounds and 2 lab tests, and thinking I had some weird fungal or bacterial infection, the pain I have felt in my lower back, legs and pelvic area the last 3 weeks is a horrible flare up of sciatica.  I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease with 2 bulging discs and arthritis (mainly from the Lyme disease plus genetics) in 2012.  I have a fantastic cutting-edge technology/therapies chiropractic team whom I firmly believe are God's tools for my back/bone/joint health.  I believe God has gifted my personal chiropractor ( a wonderful woman) with healing in her hands.  I am 90% pain free today after only 2 therapy/treatment sessions and doing 4 days of exercises targeted for my issue.  The above journaling thoughts were from a 2 mile walk I did in a new to me trail system on Friday afternoon after my appointment with her.  I have learned to think positive thoughts, to pray Scripture about healing and health over my body, and to reach out to like-minded friends and family for prayer support.  The light and warmth I experienced from the sun shining down on me on the trail, was healing. I cannot explain it....it was an experience like no other I have ever had. It was like God Himself was breathing new health into my bones.

I hope this can encourage someone today!


Deb J. in Utah said...

I will continue to pray for your healing, Faith. I love this post.

Ingrid said...

I am a lucky girl I have no backaches, in fact nothing in my skeleton, but I am disturbed in my mind being prisoner since 8 months and don't see any end ! It's just a boring life the days go by, nothing is happening ! Not even a hairdresser everything is closed except the shops now but I am not a shopping girl ! I wished I could go to a movie and have a nice restaurant afterwards ! I wonder when that will happen !

Susanne said...

Beautiful. Loved the picture of the wind blowing thru bringing life even into what seems dead and God breathing healing into you. Praise God for His healing and for knowledgeable and gifted professionals to help.