"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

09 January 2021

2021 Goals After Week 1


Orra Phelps Nature Preserve
Saratoga Country, NY

Well, it's been one week of the New Year and I wanted to see where I am in regards to the new goals I set for the new calendar year.

I'm off to a fairly good start I think.

One of my physical goals is to stretch and perform my yoga/exercise routine set forth by my chiropractor for spine and hip health, every morning, before my day really takes off.  So I've been successful this week with 6/7 mornings!  My alarm goes off about 5:30 and by 5:40 I'm in the family room on my fitness ball.

Another physical goal is to hike 6 new trails in the mountains this year.  I have completed 1!!  My two hiking friends met me at a new-to-us trailhead in the foothills of the Adirondacks just to the north of us for a FIRST DAY HIKE (January 1st).  We walked the trail in the Orra Phelps Nature Preserve.  It was a bit icy and I didn't have my micro-spikes on but I did use the hiking pole.  It wasn't too cold and the fresh air and sunshine peeking through the trees felt so refreshing.  This also helps my relational goal of connecting in person with more friends this year in an intentional manner.

on the trail, masked for safety
Cindy, Gerri, Faith

The Snook Kill (stream)
 partially frozen beauty

the trailhead at Orra Phelps Nature Preserve

I have also started a devotional plan titled Faithful Love based on the Old Testament book of Hosea and am reading that minor prophet in my New King James Version Soul Care Bible to do an in-depth study. This is one of my spiritual goals (to complete an in-depth study of 2 minor prophets and preferably of 4 before 2022)

Another relational goal is one for my husband and I:  to plan intentional date nights once a month.  We've had our first one (last evening after dinner).  He wanted to see this movie and since I had never seen it but heard so many people loved it, we chose it (we have Apple Tv available to us since our daughter lives here and it includes Hulu, Disney Plus, Netflix, among other things....)  and had a "family room couch date". We had had dinner together and talked.  It was a nice evening and the movie was sweet. 

So far, those are the goals I've worked on this week.  I plan on assessing my self again at the end of June to see where I'm at with all of the goals.  This is a fairly good start considering some of my goals can't really begin until the winter season is over!

How are you doing with your resolutions or goals??  Did you set goals??  Or did you make resolutions?


Wendy said...

Well done. I think I made a good start too :) Not sure the movie link worked properly though - it takes you to a page about WandaVision which looks like it's a series not a film. What did you actually watch?

Susanne said...

I'm not a great goal setter at all. I need to set a goal to set goals. LOL.

How fun you got to enjoy a nice trail with some friends. I am getting desperate for some friend time! I smiled when I hit the movie link. I sure was not expecting that one. Hubby and I are going to watch "First Man" on Netflix on our next movie night. We saw it at the show at few years and really liked it.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh how beautiful....

Being 83, such trekking is not possible. But I certainly do enjoy your photos. Especially that of the partially frozen Snook Kill...!!!!! It could 'almost' be my "Babbling Brook" in winter. -smile-

Warm, Winter Wishes