"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

01 January 2021



Here we are in another new calendar year and half-way through the school/teaching year!

With this, come my 2021 personal goals.

Last year I explained why I don't make resolutions.  You can read why here. (if you're interested). 

A recap of my 2020 Goals:

  • Yes I hiked 10 new to me trails by June....in fact, because of Covid and having to stay rather local from March-July, I ended up meeting this goal by the end of April!!
  • No I did not climb 2 High Peaks in the ADKS in 2020 but I did climb ONE high peak and one IN the high peaks that was over 3000 feet in elevation. 
  • Yes I improved my cardio workouts by stopping all aerobics and pilates (per the chiropractor's advice due to my degenerative disc disease) and picked up trail running and power walking/power hiking.
  • Yes I became more intentional about meeting friends for lunch/coffee and date nights with Dave. And then Covid happened.  So this will be going on my 2021 list as well. I did host 2 socially distanced backyard events:  one was a dessert night with my small group and one was with our good friends Ingrid and Ken for a chili and cornbread around the firepit night.  
  • yes I found myself limiting my time on Facebook and instagram and instead of scrolling down the homepage, I chose to post and then get right off.  
  • No I did not meet my professional goal of going to a conference to become nature-based curriculum certified (it was cancelled due to Covid19!) but I DID take two classes, both out of England, for credits toward nature-based certification.  Those were offered online.
  • Yes, I have cut out almost all refined sugar.  I do eat sweets but they're made with raw sugar, or honey/maple syrup or agave.
  • Yes I added more meditation time to my daily quiet time/devotional time but no I didn't add extra prayer time with my husband like I desired.  I have the desire....he needs to be on board with this. I'm hoping it happens for 2021.

This now leads me to my 2021 goals!!

Physical Goals: 

  • Walk/power walk outside 6 days a week (am currently at 4-5 days)
  • Lower my LDL from 104 to under 100 (I've lowered my total from 216 to 178!)
  • Stretch/yoga exercises each morning, 7 days a week. (am currently at 4)
  • Bike more often come Spring. (2x per week)
Large Goals in this area: hike 2 mountains in the  ADKS High Peaks region; hike on 6 new-to-me trails in the ADKS  Central Region; cook 1 new recipe a month, preferably plant-based or vegan

Mental/Professional Goals:
  • Complete 2 online or in person workshops related to Special Education Preschool or Nature-based Curriculum that is not required by the agency.
  • Read 4 non-fiction books
Large Goals in this area: become Nature-based Curriculum certified (NYS has no program so this will only happen if the agency helps me pay for it and if workshops can happen in person)

Emotional/Relational Goals:

  • have intentional "Date Nights' with Dave once a month
  • continue to have intentional friend get togethers every couple of months
  • meet with my spiritual mentor 2x this year for prayer
  • spend a part of each weekend in nature/tree hugging therapy/contemplation/in the mountains/woods 
Large Goals in this area:  form the Fitness Group again with clear boundaries and expectations; communicate more effectively with my husband; work on home repairs and upgrades together; pray about our vision as a couple serving in church

Spiritual Goals:

  • read/study 4 of the minor prophets this year
  • read/study the epistles of Timothy this year
  • finish the Book Group and begin a new one 
  • an established prayer time with Dave each week
  • be bolder in my faith/testimony with unsaved family members
  • serve with Group on 2 service projects this year, if Covid guidelines allow for this
Large Goals in this area: read the Bible each day, not just the devotionals; join an online Bible study with friends; connect with Dave regarding our spiritual habits; pray more often for specific people/situations

These goals are all attainable if I submit them to God and if I take the steps to work on them.  I know it's ok if I don't meet them all....it's just the first steps that need to be walked out......we shall see how I do come June!

What about you?  do you have goals for your self or your marriage for the new year?  What's one thing you'd change if you could?


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith - wow, you did really great on your 2020 goals. I think that Covid threw a big Monkey Wrench into most people's goals. Oh well, we have have a shiny, new year, and you have great goals. I love this post. So glad we connected through blogging. I will be working on a FFF post which will go up later today. Too tired last night. Have a very Happy New Year!

Wendy said...

I think we can all go a bit easy on ourselves for goals set last year. Covid really wreaked havoc with plans. You have a great list there that's going to keep you very busy. I've tried to make my list more realistic for this year. There's definitely hope that we can put this virus behind us with the development of vaccines but I still think it's going to take time. I'd say good luck but with your faith luck doesn't really enter into it.

Susanne said...

You are so disciplined! I have never been a huge goal setter, especially long term ones.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Love your goals. I am taking a course to be Montessori certified this year and it will go into next year as well. That is my major goal as far as education and professional life goes. I want to get outside walking more often. I wish there was someplace closer to walk in the wood but what few trails we have nearby are very short. There are a few places further away and I think I could talk my older daughter, Hannah, to go with me sometimes and that would combine getting out on some trails and seeing her more often. You’ve inspired me.

Ingrid said...

This year it was difficult to keep plans ! It all went down in March and it is still not finished. But still you accomplished quite a lot. I wonder if you can keep your goals for this year ! This virus is so vicious !