"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

12 February 2021

Mid-February Faves

It's Friday in mid-February and I'm linking up at Susanne's site with other bloggers to share FIVE of my FAVE blessings from the week.  Looking for blessings this week, at first, was tough.  It was a rough week full of difficult prek students, lots of data collection at work, lots of prep for future playsets and lessons, and lots of cleaning at home.  Whew.  I'm so ready for Winter Break which officially started at 1 pm today!

snowy bike/walking trail

snowy woods

icy path to the tunnel
  • SUNSHINE AND SNOW!  I enjoyed 2 good outdoors fitness walks last weekend:  Friday after work I met my friend Diane at this park in the south part of our town. We did a very fast power walk due to the cold temps.....44 minutes outside at a very brisk pace.  I loved it.  It ended up being just under 2 miles.  Then Saturday afternoon, after a morning of reading, doing chores and baking, I headed over to the park in our part of town (the north end) and had a wonderful solo fitness walk on snow, ice, and bare ground. The temps were warmer Sat and I loved how the woods looked with the sun and snow.  I'm thankful for good places to walk outside in winter.

  • HOT WATER:  Our hot water tank broke Sunday late afternoon.  I NEVER want to take Hot water for granted.  The tank was replaced Monday, but those few hours with no hot water really made me thankful for good service people, a quick delivery, and the money to pay for it. So thankful for hot water from just turning on a tap.

  • CLAIRE's CALL! Our ballerina girl, the youngest, called me from NH Monday evening. She was supposed to call me Sunday night but she said she had so much studying to do, that she just didn't get a chance.  We talked for about a half hour before she had to go and read for a class. She said things are going well and it looks like we will get to attend graduation in May!  I'm thankful all is going well at UNH and that she's staying on top of her classes and ballet rehearsals. I'm also thankful she received her special Valentine package I sent her, about 2 days earlier than the post office predicted!

  • YOU TUBE KIDS!  As a follow up activity for the books I use for my daily language/circle lesson with the special preschoolers, I tend to use You Tube videos of developmentally appropriate songs and movement games based on our theme for the week.  For instance this week has been "Friendship" (Valentine's is way too difficult of a concept for preschoolers). The children listen to the story I read (same book all week) and we do our conceptual learning plus our pre-writing/pre-reading/cognitive work to go with the book but I typically reward them with a song or movement.  You Tube is great for this.  This week we found a song about Friendship that  works great as we can use sign language with it.  We also found a "Valentine's Freeze Dance" video that shows a heart person doing various gross motor movements.  I'm so thankful for the use of technology for the classroom and that I can bring my personal IPad to use with them.

a fave pair of winter socks

  • WARM SOCKS! I've been so thankful for my thick, warm socks to wear with leggings or footless tights with my work clothes this week.  Add a pair of short boots and I'm all set.  There's nothing like cold feet encased in thick warm socks for work.....all i do when I get home is take off the boots!  (we don't allow shoes on in the house).  It's been very  cold here every morning this week...the coldest was Wednesday morning...at 7:30 when I got in the car it was only 11 degrees F. BRR......

that wraps up my fave blessings for the week....what about you?

What made you say "Thank You" this week?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Love the warm socks. All of mine have begun to wear out at the same time so I’m on the lookout for something new. It’s wonderful that you will be able to attend graduation in May! The students work so hard it would be a shame if they couldn’t share such a happy occasion.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Those socks are great. We all take our shoes off at the door here took. I have some lovely slippers I wear that keep my feet toasty in the house. So glad you heard from Claire and that all is going well for her. It is great that you will probably be able to attend her graduation. I know how proud you are of her, as you should be. I use a lot of technology and youtube videos in my classroom as well, especially during this pandemic. I have used more technology this year than ever, out of necessity, and I don't think I will ever go back to many of the ways I used to do things. I ams so glad you got to get outside and walk, even though it has been a cold week there. Wow, that hot water tank was a stressful mess for you, I know. So glad it is fixed now. It does make us appreciate what we have when it goes away. Enjoy your well-deserved winter break. I have a long four-day weekend beginning today. A few extra days off is always wonderful. See you again soon!

Karen said...

Pretty socks! I've never been able to enforce the no shoes rule here. My husband is the worst offender, so I gave up trying long ago. However, I wish I could PUT shoes on my dog! She's the worst at tracking things in;)

Ingrid said...

we had unusual cold weather and are not used to it ! The sky was blue and the snow covered trees are beautiful ! But that will only last a few days. Well we can't change anything !

Melanie said...

I'm a fan of warm socks as well. I have day socks and socks I wear to bed. I grew up in upstate NY - not too far from Albany so I know all about winters in that part of the country. Thirty plus years living in Florida really thinned my blood and so now in TN, I shiver if it gets in the 40s!Your walk path looks so cold but lovely.

Wendy said...

Glad you were able to get the hot water problem sorted quickly. No fun, especially in this cold weather. Must have been nice chatting with Claire and hear how she's doing. Fingers crossed for you attending her graduation. Enjoy the weekend.

Susanne said...

We've had a hot water tank go on us before too and it is not fun. Sure makes one realize what a blessing such easy access to hot water really is. Warm socks almost made my list too. Like Karen, I have tried since the day I got married to enforce the no shoes rule but my hubby just can't seem to get on board. I've finally given up because then I would just be stressed out all the time. Though if I'm honest he still get the stink eye whenever he does it. LOL. So nice that Claire is settled in and doing well in her semester. Phone calls from our kids are always a welcome thing!

Willow said...

Yes, we should never take hot water for granted. It's a wonderful thing.
Maybe the best two words you wrote (after two hikes) was winter break. Yay! I'm glad you will have time to snuggle with your socks and books and coffee for a week.

Linda said...

Very cold here in Hornell too. And to answer your question; I work at Walmart as Team Lead for Health Ambassador. I think we have been touch--a few years ago and somehow I lost your blog etc. I was reading about Claire and thought, "WHAT? She's in college?" grin. That is great, smiles...have a happy Valentines Day (oh and I am about done with cold and winter, it can go now, grin).

Linda said...

P.S. Yes, warm wooly socks are a must here, as are "underpinings" (and I prefer not to call them long johns). Since I am upfront in the store all day by the doors, I have to wear warm socks and "underpinings" and a jacket.