"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 April 2021



It's Good Friday.  The day that Christ followers around the world reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made for us by dying on the cross for our sins and so we could have salvation in Him.  

As I reflect on what Holy Week means to me, I'm also reflecting on FIVE of my FAVE blessings from the past week, then linking up at Susanne's site with other ladies who share their blessings!

  • COFFEE AND CONVERSATION:  Saturday morning Dave came into the living room where I was reading my devotional and having coffee.  He grabbed a mug and asked if we could talk.  I was surprised as he rarely wants to have deep conversations early in the morning.  He shared a couple things that were on his heart regarding two areas of the church where he serves and where he though God might be changing things a bit.  I was thrilled to just listen and offer to pray about a decision.  We talked about the pros and cons of the changes.  I'm thankful we had time to just sit together and talk.  Sometimes in our busy lives we are like two ships passing in the night. 

  • DOSE ONE!  Friday evening I received a text alert from our county's health department.  There were many openings the next day for the covid19 vaccine!  It was to be held at a public library in downtown Albany.   So I followed the link to see if we could get in and we could!  At 1 pm, after only a 10 min wait, we both got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine (and it was the one we wanted!) so we canceled our April 22nd appointment as now we could get this one sooner.  I'm so thankful I checked my phone Friday evening and that we have the first dose in our bodies.  The only side effect we experienced was a heavy, sore arm.
  • SELF CARE!  I picked up these cheerful flowers from the market this past week.  I needed some "self care" and a spot of color for the bookcase in my living room.  I had just watered them which is why they're on the kitchen counter.  I'm thankful for Spring blooms!!

photo courtesy of Kristen T

  • CELEBRATIONS!  Saturday evening I went up to this place for my brother-in-law's surprise 50th birthday party.  Dave wasn't feeling up to going so I met my sister Joy and her son Luke there along with my sister Hope and her husband Donny.  Mike..the birthday guy..is married to my youngest sister Jill.  That's her youngest daughter, Mady (age 12) behind Mike.  Mady is the niece who hikes hard mountains with me. We were also celebrating Jill's oldest daughter Emma who turned 18 the day her daddy turned 50!  We all had a good time eating and socializing although I left after just 2 hours as my arm was starting to really ache from the vaccine earlier in the day.  I'm thankful we could gather together even though we all had to sit at small tables scattered throughout the area.  

Easter treats for the ballerina girl

  • EASTER PACKAGE SENT:  Easter seemed to creep up on me this year so at the last minute I scrambled to send out a package of treats for Claire.  She's easy because she only eats pure vegan and the fair trade chocolate pictured above is vegan! I also got her a stress relief facial mask for after the performance tomorrow night with the UNH Ballet Company.  Because of Covid 19, they only performed twice this week to no audience other than the ballet instructors.  First "performance" was last night and the 2nd is tomorrow night.  They are taping both and next week will edit them.  On April 14 we can view it after buying tickets online with UNH Dance Company.  It's a bittersweet time and I'm thankful the package arrived for her on Wednesday which was the final dress rehearsal evening. 

That wraps up my faves for this week leading up to RESURRECTION DAY!

For those of you who are Christ followers, I hope you have a blessed Easter Sunday!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. Great faves this week. I love your daffodils. So glad you got your vaccine. Glad your arm stopped hurting after a few hours. I have had that kind of vegan chocolate you sent to your daughter and it is very good! Hope you have a blessed Easter weekend.

Wendy said...

Glad you got your vaccines. We're waiting to hear about our second dose now. Such a shame about your daughter's performances having no audience but good that you will be able to see it in video format. I'm sure she appreciated the treats you sent her. Have a happy Easter.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

That's nice that you and Dave had a nice talk!! Oh I'm sorry we missed Mike's party!! We had a previous engagement BUT I ended up having MAJOR sinus issues so we didn't go to the other party we planned on attending. Oy! Tis the season!!

Have a blessed Easter!!

Unknown said...

Easter and April creeped on me too this year. I think it's because we are still not allowed to gather indoors without anyone except who lives in our own households. Usually I'd be planning for at least 2 weeks for all the kids to be home and family coming over. How nice that you and your Hubby were able to have a good discussion together. The Easter package for Claire will be much appreciated, I'm sure! Love the daffodils! I bought some hydoponic tulips for the table. No dirt, the bulbs just sit in water in a pretty clear vase and in a couple of weeks I'll have tulips bloomed.

Ingrid said...

In Belgium Good Friday is not a day off, all shops are open and I didn't even realize that it was Good Friday until I switched on the German TV and there it was all about church and it was a holiday !
I haven't prepared anything for easter, Mr. G is still in hospital maybe he will be moved to a rehabilitation center next week. He is diagnosed Parkinson, he doesn't tremble but sometimes can't walk. With the right medication he can lead a normal life again, only a bit slower but at 80 you are not a young man anymore !

Willow said...

You know I love daffodils!
Oh! Vegan chocolate! It is so important to buy fair trade only.
It looks like you had a great time at your brother's and niece's birthday celebrations. Happy Birthday to them.
West Virginia--a hidden gem! Stay tuned for more trips over the Ohio...

Willow said...

PS: HAPPY EASTER! He is Risen!