"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

25 June 2021



It's almost the end of June!

It's also the last day of the school year here in New York for the preK agency where I teach.  We have 10 glorious days of summer vacation before Summer Session begins for our special needs students. All of our students are returning for Summer School except for one who will be going to a different site.  For now though......

I'm sharing FIVE of my FAVE blessings from the past week before I complete all of my work today and start my vacation. This is a post where many other bloggers come together and link up at Susanne's site to share what we are thankful for.


beginning of trail up Sleeping Beauty Mountain
Elevation is 2347 feet high
Eastern Adirondacks

the Approach to the summit!

husband Dave on summit of Sleeping Beauty with Lake George in the background
and the Central Region of the ADKS
To the right of photo are the Green Mountains of Vermont

Dave and I on Summit
19 June Saturday

  • HIKING DAY!  Saturday morning, Dave and I and his work colleague, Peter, left around 7 am to drive northeast to the east side of Lake George to climb a small mountain.We arrived at about 8:15.  It was my 5th time up this little gem and Peter and Dave's first time up. Each time I just love the trail although this time the beginning of it was a bit eroded and very muddy. We had a blast and made good time.  We climbed 1.8 miles to the top in just 1.5 hours.  That's one of my best speeds ever!  We were the only ones for awhile on top so we lingered from about 9:45-11 on the summit just sitting in the sun and eating our early lunch. We then hiked down to the car which only took us about 45 minutes and treated ourselves out for ice cream when we were done.  I'm thankful for good hiking days!
Fave summer beverage!
  • FATHER'S DAY BBQ: After church on Sunday, Dave and I headed home to change and Courtney, who was waiting for us, drove us north to Saratoga so we could eat at Dave's fave BBQ place.  We know it as PJ's BBQ although a corporation has taken it over and it's called something else now but the food is still as great as always and their famous drink "Loganberry" is my fave summer drink.  It only comes in bottles now so I also took a cup of ice as it was very hot on Sunday and drank the entire bottle with our dinner.  We had a great time eating outside and chatting.  Then Dave did his fave relaxing thing the rest of the day:  computer gaming. I'm thankful we were able to give Dave his fave food.

  • SAFE TRAVELS:  Our youngest daughter, Claire, worked 10 hours at St*rbucks on Friday and was exhausted Friday evening. I was a little worried about her long drive to NH the next day as she didn't leave until 10 am and we were already in the mountains. She was going back to UNH area to celebrate her friend Nikki's 21st birthday. Nikki was her roommate in her 3rd year.  They have remained good friends. Claire texted around 2:30 pm that she was JUST getting to NH!  Apparently for most of the Mass Pike and 494 (horrible interstates...they drive horribly in central MA) the cars were crawling at 20 mph.  She said it was awful so the next day on her way back to NYS, she went across NH and down Vermont. MUCH easier of a trip.  I'm just thankful she made it home safely. I prayed a lot  those two days!!

early Monday morning coffee on the deck!
5:45 am

about 5:45 am Monday morning

  • MORNING COFFEE OUTDOORS:  Monday was a HOT day here in eastern New York.  We saw a high of 88 but the humidity levels made it seem like 94. There was even a heat warning.  I took my first cup of coffee outdoors as soon as my alarm went off and my shower was done.  It was 73 degrees and so nice out!  I read my devotional and prayed and just enjoyed the light scent of my wildflowers and watching a bunny who lives under our deck eat our clover.  He scampered away just as I snapped this pic but he had been hanging out by the firepit when I first sat down.  I'm thankful for a peaceful start to my work day. 

  • BOOK DISCUSSION:  Wednesday evening, 3 of the 4 ladies in my church book group met at my home for our last discussion before mid-September at which time we will pick up again.  I enjoyed everyone's viewpoint on the topic of hospitality and we decided the book gave us some really good ideas as to how to show hospitality to our neighbors even if it's not our main "gifting".  I'm thankful for these ladies whom I  also consider friends. 

That wraps up my special blessings.  There were several more but those are the ones that in reflecting back at the week, pop out at me. I hope you all find those special moments or things that make you say "Thank You God", for HE is the one who brings the blessings into our lives.



Lisa notes... said...

That looks like quite a hike; you two must be in good shape to do that. Beautiful scenery would make it worth it! And of course the lure of ice cream as a reward later. That sounds like me (except I'd go for cookies or cake, lol).

I'm meeting with my book group this Wednesday and am so looking forward to it. We only meet every 3 weeks, so it's a treat to get together.

Hope you enjoy your 10 days of summer vacation, Faith!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. Amen to all the goodness God brings to our lives. I love that hike! Looks so good. I would love to go on it with you one day. I would like to try that drink too. Sounds good. Is it nonalcoholic? I hope you have a great weekend. Any hiking planned? See you again soon.

Ingrid said...

It looks as if you had a real good week ! It's a very nice picture of your husband and you ! It's nice that we are more free again. As long as you stay in Europe you also can travel, it becomes more compllicated if you want to Egypt for examplel where I always go. My painting course should continue as soon as the last restrictions are lifted and that will be at the end of the month. My husband will have to stay in the clinic for a while because now they only can really start with the treatment.

Ann said...

I would not make it with only ten days of vacation from school. :-)
About 10 years ago we traveled to the northeast and took a route across New Hampshire and down through Vermont. Such beautiful scenery!!! --Ann

Barbara Harper said...

The BBQ place sounds great! So glad Claire's return trip went better. We have some bunnies nibbling on our clover, but I haven't figured out where they live.

Willow said...

I'm loving vicariously enjoying your hikes since it has been so seldom we've gotten out for hikes lately.
I am looking forward to some morning coffees outside. Now that I have a fence, I'll feel less 'exposed'.
I'm glad Claire made it home safely!

Wendy said...

Happy vacation time! Although it seems short. Lovely photo of the two of you at the top of your hike. Sounded like a lovely day.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Susanne said...

That hike has a lovely view reward at the end. Sounds like Father's Day was special for Dave. I don't think we ever get over being worried when our kids are on the road no matter how old they get, especially when they are travelling alone. Now that looks like a lovely peaceful morning. But 5:45? oh my that is early. It's supposed to get to 100*F here today. We are having waaaay above normal temps for this time of year here. Apparently we are under a 'heat dome' for about a week and a half. Yikes.