"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

18 August 2021

No More Curtain


(image courtesy of Y*uTube)

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"......

one of the most well-known lines from the musical movie "The Wizard of Oz" depicts Dorothy and her friends trying to see the wizard so Dorothy can use his powers to get herself home. She was putting all of her hope in this wizard.

But he turned out to be a farce.  He wasn't a wizard....just an old man.....

This scene came to the forefront of my mind when I was meditating on this morning's Scripture in the mini devo I'm doing via the Bible app titled One Good Word a Day.  Today's word is HOPE. 

The entire verse reads like this from the NKJV:

"This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil..." (some translations use the word Curtain).

The curtain in the Old Testament was for only the high priest to enter.  It was believed that that was where the Presence of God was located.  (Jewish belief). It was believed that God dwelt on the mercy seat above the Ark of the Covenant and only the high priest could enter on behalf of sinners.

But we know the truth, don't we??

We don't need a mediator between us and God.  There is no  curtain between us and God because Jesus came to tear down that curtain...the curtain was ripped in two upon his death on the Cross.  We have access to Jesus with no barriers and He is the real deal.  He is our Hope in times of trials and the Anchor for our soul when we go through the storms of life.  And we will go through them. But the Hope we have is what leads us to continue on the journey with God guiding us if we allow Him to!

Unlike the Wizard of Oz who really didn't have the power to change lives, our God does have the Power.  And we can access that power through the Holy Spirit.  We can go directly to God/Jesus to soothe our soul, to give us strength, wisdom and courage, to give us a heart of compassion and to  give us Hope for the awaited Home in heaven that we have when we give our hearts and lives over to Him. 

Are you trusting in the One who tore down the curtain??

Trust and hope in Christ.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Amen. Great post. Complete agreement here. Thanks for your thoughts!

Susanne said...

Praise God we don't have to go through man or objects because of Jesus! He really is the anchor that keeps us steady when the storm rages all around.