"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

09 February 2022

Wake Up!

 This time of year, I begin to look forward to that final push of Winter and that first awakening of Spring.  Yes, Spring is over a month away,  but here in eastern New York, the sun is starting to rise a little earlier than just a couple of weeks ago.  The morning dawn beckons to birds and humans alike. 

I sit in my family room around  5:45 am and it's totally dark.  I turn to my Bible reading and my devotional app.  As I read and pray, I notice a lightening.  

This lightening is not just physical.....it's not just the sky beginning to awaken. 

It's my soul.

When I immerse myself in the Word of God (the Bible), my soul  begins to wake up.  Now there were many days in the past when I didn't turn to God's Word first thing in the morning.  I  would eventually get to it in the middle of the day while the girls were napping (when they were little and I was home) or after work during "me time".  But for probably the last 10 years or so, I've begun my day with Christ.  And it has made a big difference for me as I go throughout my day. It reminds me of when I was newly saved (born again)back in 1975 and would start my day reading in one of the Gospels.  I loved that time in the Word.

It brings joy and peace most of all. Yes, even on the days my sciatica is acting up (like this morning!). 

Even on the days when all seems dark and dreary and there's friends who text me with prayer concerns and there's family who have drama going on or there's just the commute of going to work and life seems so mundane especially in the short days/long nights, cold Winter months. 

As I sit and take notes in my devotional journal, I see birds begin to gather at the bird feeder and in the pine tree. Nuthatches, cardinals, blue jays. They begin to gather on the branches there.....and as the light of dawn brightens the sky, they flitter to the feeder.  They feed their bodies like I feed my soul. First thing in the morning.  

With the light of dawn, comes an awakening of our bodies....and when we are feeding on His Word, our souls begin to awaken.

Do you long for joy in your life?  That joy that comes even when you're overwhelmed with work, trials, illness or strife?

Feed on His Word.  The Bible.  It will open your eyes to the things of God and what He might be trying to say to you.  It's the only book we really need......devotionals and Christian books are all fine.  But there's nothing like feeding your soul with the Words directly from God found in the Bible.  Find a version that works for you!  I personally like the ESV or NIV but often for study I turn to my Soul Care Bible which is the NKJV.  

Feed on His Word....He will draw near to you and with His presence you will find the peace that passes understanding and His Light will awaken your soul. 


Wendy said...

I admire your devotion and the ability to maintain such early starts.

Faith said...

haha Well Wendy, I've worked outside the home since about 1982 (college grad) and when you're a teacher you just learn to get up early especially if you have your own children :) Even when I stayed home for 6 years as a SAHM I woke up before the girls so I could work out and have some me time :)

Susanne said...

You are so encouraging. I am not a morning person and it takes me so long to get my brain woken up and firing. When I do it I love just sitting with the Word and taking a scripture and just writing down what I feel each line is saying to me personally. My favorite bibles are the Amplified and the Updated New American Standard.