"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

27 May 2022

End of May Faves


End of May. Where did Spring go??  In another few weeks it will be Summer and the unofficial "summer season" here on the East Coast anyways, begins this weekend with our long Memorial Day Weekend.  I'm blessed to have today off as well as Monday.  Today we are off only because the Board of Directors decided to give it to us since we only used 1 snow day this year thanks to the mild Winter. 

While we're waiting for the weekend activities, let's pause and share FIVE of our FAVE blessings from the past week. I'm linking up at Susanne's site with other bloggers who do this. 

  • FRESH BASIL!  I love fresh basil for making our own pesto (I made some last evening for fettuccine!) and for adding to tomato/cucumber sandwiches with a dab of maple bacon aioli or vegan mayo.  Wow is that ever delicious. I'm thankful for fresh herbs. 

Aribelle my African Violet

  • FRESH BLOOMS!  I bought an African violet sometime this past winter because I had always loved my Grandma M's african violets. She had them on all of her north and east facing windows in her little house in the Adirondacks. She lived right on the Great Sacandaga Lake/Resevoir and oh how I miss her and that house/garden/yard.  Well mine weren't doing well at all in the east facing window so I moved it back a bit to the little cabinet we have in our family room which still faces east but it's not in the direct morning sun.  I also added plant food specifically for African Violets and discovered this week that it's really starting to take off. I'm determined to keep this alive for many many months if not years. I'm thankful for pretty plants!

  • ENCOURAGING TEXTS:  This past week I received some encouraging texts, phone calls,  and emails from friends and family  near and far asking how I was doing or giving me some advice about sinus issues. One friend in particular, Erin, whom I just don't see often enough....we are way overdue for a coffee or dinner date.....really made me thankful because she's been through similar stuff as me with the sinus pain and also because she said she had been praying for me. This really touched my heart. I'm thankful for long time friends in Christ and their encouraging words. 

  • GROWING!  The wildflower seeds I planted a few weeks ago in large containers (one is near the bonfire pit and this one is on the 2nd step of the deck) are springing up!  They attract butterflies and hummingbirds so it will be interesting to see what we get.  I'm thankful for new life in Spring.

  • ROSES!  My roses opened up this week on our large front flower garden bush and the smaller bush with yellow roses are about to burst open at any time. I just love my pale pink tea roses. I'm thankful this bush has done so well over the years.

Salted Caramel Cold Brew with almond milk

The Mohawk River and Erie Canal
along the Colonie Walk/Bike Path
  • MID-AFTERNOON PAUSE:  Yesterday after my ENT appointment, I stopped at St*rbucks for their latest cold brew and a croissant. I brought them to the bike path where there is a section with benches for sitting in the shade (I have to avoid direct sun while on this 3rd antibiotic) and I just relaxed for a few minutes in nature. I felt very good as the sinus pain had lifted the night before (although it came back in the middle of the night last night. UGH) and I was thanking God and praying for some other folks who need some prayer support right now. I'm thankful for these kinds of pauses in my day. 
That wraps up my week.  I hope yours has been a good one........I'm too drained to get into the sinus issue here but the Lord is teaching me many things about this process and I do plan on doing some writing about it at some point this weekend. 

Whatever your plans are for this holiday weekend, I hope you find  time to pause and reflect on the lives men and women sacrificed for our  freedoms.


Wendy said...

Glad you have a long weekend - hopefully you can focus on dealing with the sinus problems and get some respite. Your african violet is lovely. Reminded me of my Mum - she always had some - and your pink rose is beautiful. Enjoy your weekend.

Willow said...

Yay for the four day weekend!
My friend grows amazing African violets. Her advice to me was to feed them "weakly weekly". Yours is looking so happy and healthy.
Happy long weekend.

Ingrid said...

I love fresh Basil too ! Just a bit pesto, pasta and parmesan cheese and you have a wonderful meal !

Susanne said...

Love the pretty little African violet. My daughter gave me one once for Mother's Day and it lasted for years even with lack of good care for it. I'm glad you have been encouraged through texts, emails and care as you've struggled with ongoing sinus pain. A word in season and knowing prayers are being said from a friend can really carry one through. Hopefully this antibiotic works. The rose is gorgeous. Can't wait to see what the wild flower pot will produce. You'll post a pic I hope.

Barbara H. said...

Pretty African violet! I had a couple of them years ago--the leaves seemed healthy and growing, but it wouldn't bloom after the first round of blossoms. I don't think I tried plant food for them, though--probably would have helped. I'm sorry you're still having sinus issues. Hope the dr. can figure out what to do to help. It's nice to have little breaks in the day like that. Yay for long weekends. My husband has Monday off but took Thursday and Friday, too. We look at this weekend as the start of summer, too, though officially it's not for a few weeks. Hope you have a good rest of your weekend.

Billie Jo said...

Fresh Basil? Is there anything better that the scent of fresh basil in the summer?!