I've just finished up Isaiah chapters 11-16 this week and have taken some notes to summarize the study based on the devotional I am using, along with the Soul Care Bible, NKJV.
CHAPTERS 11 and 12: The Branch (Jesus) will come from the house of Jesse. He will bring a time of social justice and peace. The entire earth will honor God. The Branch prophecy indicates a future where Jesus will rule the world. God will lift the curse of sin. There will be a transformation in nature and among the nations. People will seek Christ and acknowledge Him. This is talking about Jesus' Second Coming.
For us today: We currently have injustice and apathy in our world. We have racism, hate, war, unbalance, impurity, etc. However, all Believers (people who have made Jesus their Savior and Lord), have a secure future. Let's not miss a chance to share the Gospel/Good News with our non-believing family and friends.
CHAPTERS 13 and 14: God will destroy Israel's enemies and will restore Israel on the "Day of the Lord". This is a prophecy regarding 10 of Israel's neighboring nations. One is an immediate event and one is the future day of final judgement when God will deliver His people. He will judge the arrogant and hostile people but He will also show compassion for people who honor and trust Him. God is sovereign over all men and nations. (Men in this context = mankind/all humans).
For us today: Antagonism towards Christianity is increasing ever more. It's not just happening here in the American culture but worldwide. We have to make the choice to shift our focus away from the hostility of unbelievers and focus on what God is doing in our world.
Chapters 15 and 16: Isaiah is warning of judgement and is encouraging Moab to take refuge in the God of Israel. He's prophesying that Moab will be destroyed. He is weeping over his enemies' suffering at Assyria's hands. Isaiah pleads with Moab, a pagan nation, to seek refuge with God in Jerusalem so they would be spared God's judgement. But the Moabites didn't humble themselves. They didn't trust God to shelter and save them. God protected Israel to establish a nation for the descendants of David. Israel's grief reflected God's sadness over Moab's rejection of refuge from God.
For us today: Some people will only trust themselves and/or earthly forms of security instead of humbly trusting a holy, loving God. Scripture teaches us that anyone who doesn't know Jesus is under God's judgement. However, for those of us who put our trust in Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary for our sins, we are no longer under condemnation.
Who are you trusting today? God......or earthly things??
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