CHAPTER 59: This chapter centers around the fact that sin created a divide between God and people. God refused to hear the Israelites prayers as long as they refused His ways. Isaiah confessed Israel's rebellion against God but there was no way to get away from their sin. God graciously provided a Redeemer! His righteousness is enough to cover the depth of their sins. Messiah (Jesus) will come again as a warrior fulfilling His covenant with believing Israelites. He will judge Israel's enemies.
For us today: Sin is the eternal separator between God and mankind. Only Jesus can bridge the gap through His righteousness. Only He can change hearts and forgive our sins. This is confirmed in I John 1: 9. Are you ready for Jesus to return to Earth?
CHAPTER 60: This chapter is a prophecy about the glory of the Lord that will rise upon Zion! There will be wealth, honor, and peace. At the beginning of Jesus' Millennial reign, Jews will be gathered in the Promised Land. Spiritual darkness will be removed and this will create a desire for people to come to Jerusalem to be near the source of this light----Jesus! Everyone from around the world, even former enemies, will worship Him. Jerusalem will be known as "the city of the Lord". He will defeat any nation that comes against Israel. God's hand of judgement on His people will be removed. He will bring joy and peace and through Israel the world will finally understand that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the world.
For us today: Presidents and world leaders have tried to bring peace between Israel and her enemies. Scripture says that peace will come but only when Jesus Himself sits on the throne in Jerusalem. That's when violence will stop. it will then rule the world as the most foremost superpower. Anyone who opposes Israel opposes the Lord!
CHAPTER 61: Verses 1-2 of this chapter describe the ministry of Jesus' first coming. (When He walked this Earth). This is found in Luke 4: 18-21
The rest of this prophecy in the chapter is going to be fulfilled when Jesus returns again. (the Second Coming). The imagery goes from a funeral to a wedding. Israel was (in the figurative sense) dressed for mourning but the heartache will stop when Jesus judges her enemies. God promised to clothe the redeemed remnant of Israel in salvation and righteousness. She'll be a bride for the Sovereign God of the Earth.
For us today: Successful companies communicate great mission statements to their employees and their clients. As Christ-followers, our mission in life should match His: share the Good News of salvation, announce freedom from sin, and provide comfort to the broken-hearted. This is also spoken of as the Great Commission and the Two Greatest Commandments.
Matthew 28:19 |
Mark 12: 30-31 |
CHAPTER 62: This is the prophecy continuing that God will give Jerusalem a new name and her righteousness will shine. The Savior will return with the Redeemed of the Lord as His reward. New names in the Bible represent a fundamental change in character that God initiated. Israel has been known for war, persecution, and desolation but the future Jerusalem and the residents will have new names that show the favor of God. "Hephzibah and Beulah" characterize God's delight in Israel as a husband with a bride. Jews from around the world will head there to prepare for, and announce, the coming of Jesus after the Great Tribulation. When Jesus returns, God's people will be called "Holy" and "Redeemed".
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